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Finalize Appoint v2 and Find v3 designs for user testing #83091

Open oddball-lindsay opened 2 weeks ago

oddball-lindsay commented 2 weeks ago


Updating our designs based on Midpoint Review feedback, and preparing for user testing.

Reference: Design Feedback, IA Feedback, Accessibility Feedback, Content Feedback


Acceptance Criteria

oddball-lindsay commented 2 weeks ago

Note to self, for things to discuss with Janelle when she's back next week:

  1. The new Find a Rep definition -- A has adjusted based on Jonathan's feedback, but we still don't have Christa's official approval
  2. The intro and confirmation pages raised concerns with OGC (Nathan) that users may not understand this will be submitted to the VSO and NOT VA. Can we evaluate user expectations to see if this is a valid concern?
  3. Awaiting Governance's input on where to put the digital submission indicator on Find a Rep -- inside or outside of the additional component? This may guide how we indicate this in the Appoint fuzzy search.
  4. Confirm if we're testing the "Suggest an edit" language -- Midpoint feedback:

Should: test new text on find a rep "suggest edit" secondary button The current text for this button in production is "Report outdated information" but I see that "Suggest an edit" is the language in the new design. Given that this is the only CTA associated with each search result, I sense that there might be an uptick of mis-clicks on this element. "Suggest an edit" is less straightforward than "Report outdated information" and might have some users clicking to see where it goes.

oddball-lindsay commented 1 week ago

Not too concerned with the rep replacement changing from a yellow alert to a grey card -- this tested fine in the past.