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Dependents Findability analytics #83330

Closed kristinoletmuskat closed 3 days ago

kristinoletmuskat commented 2 weeks ago



  1. Where are people coming from to get to the tool (is it highly search driven or is profile menu working)

  2. What pages are people on when they search for a "dependents" related term" (this gives an idea of where someone might get stuck and give up and try search)

  3. Menu clicks in April on the 5 diff options in the Manage section of disability mega menu Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 12 14 37 PM


Analytics spreadsheet


IA Support

### IA deliverables
- [x] Analytics pulled

Acceptance Criteria

kristinoletmuskat commented 2 weeks ago

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 11 55 32 AM Screenshot from the profile team

kristinoletmuskat commented 3 days ago

Finalized these metrics and handed off to Mikki.