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GitHub personal access token for SOCKS access [Footer Ticket 82831] #83372

Open jknipes opened 2 weeks ago

jknipes commented 2 weeks ago

Issue Description

The docs for configuring the SOCKS Proxy should be updated.
Under "Prerequisites for SOCKS Proxy configuration":

If you don’t have git configured on your computer, create a GitHub Personal Access token with at least "repo" scope permissions using these instructions.

GitHub now has two different types of personal access tokens, fine-grained and classic. The above instructions seem to be talking about the classic token, but I believe that GitHub is trying to push more folks to using the fine-grained option as it is the more secure option.

It will be helpful to provide a bit more guidance on which option is preferred by the Platform Team, and to tell users how they should configure their token, such as:

Relevant URLs


Acceptance Criteria

va-vsp-bot commented 1 week ago

:x: The attached ssh key failed to validate