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[CAIA A11y Research]: VFF/Auth. Exp.: Confirmation page with Status, My VA (June 2024) #83382

Open mattmarino-adhoc opened 2 weeks ago

mattmarino-adhoc commented 2 weeks ago

[!NOTE] High-Level Overview: VFF and Authenticated Experience

  • Initial Kickoff: Date and Time TBD
  • Research Timeframe: June 3-June 14 (not on June 12)
  • Time of Day: TBD
  • Pilot: 5/29/2024 at 11 a.m. Ticket 83814
  • Assistive Tech Users: Goal: 12 AT Users
  • Artifacts Available: Yes
  • Testing Environment: CodePen
  • Assistive Tech Being Used: 3 screen reader users; 3 magnification/zoom users; 3 colorblind users; and 2 cognitively impaired users
  • Task Lists: See task lists for next steps/definition of done

CAIA Assignee(s)

Toggle to view information about the CAIA Team. - `TBD` - `TBD` - `TBD`

About the Team

Toggle to view information about the team. - Team name:VFF and Authenticated Experience - OCTO-DE product owner: Matthew Dingee and Chante Lantos-Swett - Product manager: Tricia Baker and Ana Jakabcin (AJ) - Designer: Jeana Clark and Matt Marino - FE engineers: Nick Sprinkle, Jacob Penner, Robert Hasselle, and Allison Lu - Product/team Slack channel: #veteran-facing-forms and #accountexp-authexp

About the Research

Toggle to view the research goals and outcome expectations. #### Research Goals > - Evaluate the usability of presenting form statuses to users and their understanding of those statuses on the confirmation page and within My VA > - How do Veterans interpret possible error states? > - - How long do Veterans expect to have access to this information? > - - - Do Veterans understand where to look for claim status information? > - Evaluate the effectiveness of presenting a “What happens next” task list and their understanding of those steps on the confirmation page and within My VA > - Evaluate the usability and usefulness of providing a downloadable copy of the form submission > - Gather findings on Veteran expectations of claim benefit submission and status overall > - Evaluate the effectiveness of submitted benefit application cards on My VA #### Outcome > The findings from this research will help the forms team better understand a user’s understanding of their form submission status and what happens next. Based on the usability of the updated confirmation page and the changes to My VA, we will present findings and specific recommendations for updating form confirmation pages and My VA. In addition, we will be sharing our research findings with other VFS teams.

Additional Intake Info.

Toggle to view more intake research ticket information ### Do you have an accessibility champion? No, we don't have a champion (yet) ### If you have an accessibility champion, what's their name? In the VFF team @jeana-adhoc is an accessibility specialist ### Is anyone on your team interested in becoming an accessibility champion? _No response_ ### Calendar checking - [x] Based on this calendar, confirm we have specialists who can support your study in your desired timeframe - [x] Confirm you are filing this support ticket at least 1 week in advance of said timeframe, so we have enough heads up to provide support ### Have you reviewed the CAIA capacity calendar? - [x] Yes, we have reviewed the CAIA capacity calendar and can confirm specialists are available to support in our research timeframe ### When is the timeframe for your testing? TBD, but likely to be between May 30-June 14

Research Sessions


  • Providing CAIA A11ys with the time slots in advance for AT users, will allow a11ys to avoid conflicts on the CAIA A11y Capacity Calendar, and reach out to other a11ys, should CAIA not be available.
  • Providing CAIA A11ys with the technology and devices the users will be testing with, will allow CAIA to prepare in advance for the sessions.
Toggle to view research timing information. ### Timeframe - **Pilot Session**: #83814 - **Timeframe**: `See ticket for details` likely to be between May 30-June 14 ### Length of sessions - **Session length:** `90` minutes - **Buffer time between sessions:** `30` minutes - **Maximum sessions per day:** `4` ### Research Plan Details #### Participant Recruitment Goal for Team - **Total Requested:** 16 - **Completed Sessions Needed:** 12, including: - 3 screen reader users - 3 magnification/zoom users - 3 colorblind users - 2 cognitively impaired users

Testing Schedule

CAIA A11Ys will be looking for device and AT information. We realize that some of this information will not be available until the day of the session.

Please toggle and use the following table to enter the following information for each participant: Date and Time, Assistive tech (AT), Device and Operating System, Browser, and Skill level:

Toggle to view the AT testing schedule P# | Date and Time (ET) | AT | Device and OS | Browser | Skill | CAIA A11ys Available ------------------|------------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|-------------- ✈️ `PILOT SESSION 83814 ` | 5/28, 29 or 30 `TBD` | **Screen readers** (**Any of the following:** _VoiceOver, JAWS, NVDA, Talkback_) | Mobile or Desktop; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | `TBD- Based on a11y availability` P# | #/#/24, #:##-#:## #m | VoiceOver, JAWS, etc `TBD` | Mobile or Desktop; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | `TBD- Based on a11y availability` P# | #/#/24, #:##-#:## #m | VoiceOver, JAWS, etc `TBD` | Mobile or Desktop; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | `TBD- Based on a11y availability` P# | #/#/24, #:##-#:## #m | VoiceOver, JAWS, etc `TBD` | Mobile or Desktop; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | `TBD- Based on a11y availability` P# | #/#/24, #:##-#:## #m | VoiceOver, JAWS, etc `TBD` | Mobile or Desktop; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | `TBD- Based on a11y availability` P# | #/#/24, #:##-#:## #m | VoiceOver, JAWS, etc `TBD` | Mobile or Desktop; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | `TBD- Based on a11y availability` P# | #/#/24, #:##-#:## #m | VoiceOver, JAWS, etc `TBD` | Mobile or Desktop; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | `TBD- Based on a11y availability` P# | #/#/24, #:##-#:## #m | VoiceOver, JAWS, etc `TBD` | Mobile or Desktop; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | `TBD- Based on a11y availability` P# | #/#/24, #:##-#:## #m | VoiceOver, JAWS, etc `TBD` | Mobile or Desktop; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | `TBD- Based on a11y availability` P# | #/#/24, #:##-#:## #m | VoiceOver, JAWS, etc `TBD` | Mobile or Desktop; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | `TBD- Based on a11y availability` P# | #/#/24, #:##-#:## #m | VoiceOver, JAWS, etc `TBD` | Mobile or Desktop; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | `TBD- Based on a11y availability` P# | #/#/24, #:##-#:## #m | VoiceOver, JAWS, etc `TBD` | Mobile or Desktop; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | `TBD- Based on a11y availability` P# | #/#/24, #:##-#:## #m | VoiceOver, JAWS, etc `TBD` | Mobile or Desktop; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | `TBD- Based on a11y availability` - **Consideration**: You can also consider asking participants more specific AT and device combinations. - **For instance:** TalkBack on Samsung Galaxy 8, or VoiceOver on iPad with magnification.

CAIA A11ys will review the coverage needed, and self-assign, based on a11y availability.

Supporting artifacts

Toggle to view the supporting artifacts - [Product outline - VFF for Forms Status and My VA Confirmation Changes]( - [Product outline - My VA]( - [Project outline - My VA]( - [Prototype or mockups - at top of conversation guide]( - [Research plan]( - [Research conversation guide]( - [Epics/issue that may be helpful - VFF]( - [Epics/issue that may be helpful - My VA](

Next Steps: Definition of Done

### CAIA A11Y Tasks
- [x] **INTAKE TICKET:** @sara-amanda to process intake ticket
- [ ] **INITIAL MEETING:** Schedule meeting with team
- [ ] **(OPTIONAL) FEEDBACK REQUESTED:** Review Conversation Guide
- [x] **PILOT SESSION: SCHEDULE** Pilot session with team.
- [ ]
- [x] **CALENDAR HOLDS** Update A11y [CAIA Capacity Calendar]( with holds for user research sessions with AT, when dates become available.
- [ ] **REMOVE CALENDAR HOLDS** Remove holds on A11y [**CAIA Capacity Calendar**]( and replace with invitations from project team (or Perigean)
- [x] **RESEARCH NOTES** Create [CAIA notes document](
- [ ] **Divvy user research session support with CAIA A11ys** - based on availability and technology available to support.
- [ ] **Review research folder and assets**
- [ ] **Participate in research**  **Date Span:**`##/##/2024` and `##/##/2024` - `TBD`
- [x] **SESSION NOTES**: Create [CAIA notes document]( for a11ys to use during the sessions
- [ ] **SYNC:** Connect with CAIA A11ys on research findings (meeting)
- [ ] **Create/update the CAIA A11y Research Deliverable** This is dependent on the number of study participants CAIA supports. If minimal, A11Ys may share feedback only in the feedback Mural or this ticket.
- [ ] **Share the completed deliverable** with the project team via Slack: `Primary Team Slack` and `Ticket`
### VFS TEAM Tasks
- [x] Tag @coforma-terry in Slack [#sitewide-content-accessibility-ia](
- [ ] Schedule intial meeting with @coforma-terry and @sara-amanda
- [x] Review our [assistive technology pilot guide]( and request a pilot, if desired (req. 5/21/2024)
- [x] Schedule a pilot session with CAIA a11ys (5/28, 29 or 30?)
- [ ] (OPTIONAL) Receive feedback on Conversation Guide for Screen Readers (if requested)
- [ ] **PROTOTYPE:** Provide prototype to CAIA A11ys via this ticket in the supporting artifacts section
- [ ] **DATES NEEDED** See `Table` in the ticket above. Please provide date range and slots for AT sessions being planned.
- [ ] **ASSISTIVE TECH. INFO NEEDED:** Please provide the AT the users will be utilizing during the research sessions in the `Table` in the ticket above.
- [ ] **INVITES:** Forward invites from Perigean to CAIA A11ys (Sara or Terry)
sara-amanda commented 1 week ago

Intake Received

Hi, @mattmarino-adhoc ! Just a quick note here to let you know that we received your intake ticket and it has been processed.

Next Steps

Looking forward to working with you again, Matt!

cc: @coforma-terry

mattmarino-adhoc commented 1 week ago

Hi @sara-amanda, we would like to do an AT pilot prior to our research. We unfortunately don't have specific dates available for testing yet, but I can tell you as of right now I suspect we will start later than initially expected (just guessing right now, June 3rd seems more realistic). No matter what happens, we will have no testing on June 12 due to other team priorities that day.

For the pilot, I believe any day next week/the beginning of the following week would work.

Pre-pilot requirements:

Thanks for your help, and likewise, I'm excited about collaborating on this project!

cc: @jeana-adhoc @ajakabcin @tbaker1026 @allisonlu

sara-amanda commented 1 week ago

Pilot Planning

Hi, @mattmarino-adhoc ! Thank you for the info.! Can you send over a few dates and times that work best for your team for the pilot, prior to testing on 6/3?

Initial Pilot Availability

*Let me know if you need me to look at alternative times @mattmarino-adhoc

Pre-pilot requirements

  • Let CAIA know what kind of AT use you hope to test with during your study
    • Screen readers (VoiceOver, JAWS, NVDA, Talkback)
  • Provide CAIA with your conversation guide, research plan, and the prototype(s) you intend to use during the study

Pilot Scheduled

Scheduled as of 5/23/2024

Pilot Invite Sent

cc: @jeana-adhoc @ajakabcin @tbaker1026 @allisonlu @coforma-terry @coforma-jamie @EvanAtCoforma @SarahKay8