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[CAIA Intake] IIR: Veteran New Account Flow within Authenticated Experience, Welcome Pathway #83402

Open emcruer opened 2 weeks ago

emcruer commented 2 weeks ago

Content, accessibility, information architecture (CAIA) new initiative collaboration request

Use this ticket to request collaboration on a new initiative with the sitewide content, accessibility, and information architecture (CAIA) team.

About your team

About your initiative

Which of these descriptions best fits the work we’ll partner on?

Select all that apply.

What's the nature of your initiative and desired outcomes?

Currently, there is no defined onboarding experience on We hypothesize that a lack of digital onboarding guidance for new Veterans presents challenges in efficiently and effectively getting Veterans the relevant services and resources they need, leading to potential frustrations, delays, and missed opportunities for support and access to eligible benefits.
We are working on a flow within Auth Exp that welcomes new Veterans and provides actionable resources as they start their journey to apply for benefits.

Collaboration timeframe

We're hoping to get to research studies by the end of June to verify the proof of concept.

Note: We work on nearly every OCTO product and manage all unauthenticated content on, so we will need to prioritize intake requests based on overall workload and VA and OCTO priorities.

Is this work tied to a Congressional mandate, change in law or policy, or upcoming event with a specific deadline?

Where are you at in your timeline?

Tell us briefly about what you're working on now (such as initial discovery, wireframing, or usability research planning) and add any known dates for upcoming milestones or deadlines.

We just went though design intent and got some excellent feedback. We're moving into refining our designs, moving into high-fidelity and prototyping, while writing our research plan, conversation guide, as well as supplemental research materials such as observer templates and sign-ups, although we're not quite ready to submit as we'd love some CAIA input!

This is a lighter, more informal request - we know at some point we will need both content support and a11y guidance, so we can submit those as formal tickets in the future. We don't have any dedicated specialists on our team, so as we plan research, we would love to start by just chatting with an a11y specialist for 20 minutes or so in order to ask for some advice.

Will you release this new product incrementally (for example, release to 25% of users to start)?

Collaboration cycle

Which phases of the collaboration cycle have you completed?

Select all that apply.

Collaboration cycle ticket

If you’re going through the collaboration cycle, provide your ticket number and link:

Supporting artifacts

Provide links to any supporting artifacts that can help us better understand your initiative and begin collaboration. Include artifacts like your product outline, user flows, mockups and prototypes, or any draft content.

Next steps

### a11y Tasks
- [ ] **Meeting Request:** IIR Team is requesting a 20 minute meeting with an a11y team member
- [ ] **Research Radar:** `Future Item` estimated for `end of June 2024` (subject to change)
- [ ] **Design Intent Feedback:** Review feedback from Brian, and see if team has any questions #83192
### IIR Team Tasks
- [ ] **Pilot with an a11Y:** Review our [assistive technology pilot guide]( and request a pilot, if desired, prior to running your research with actual users.
- [ ] **Review CAIA A11Y Menu:** [View the menu of services available to your team.](
- [ ] **Submit Your Future Research Ticket:** [When ready, please submit a research ticket when ready to CAIA](
strelichl commented 1 week ago

Noting here that we'll need to hold on CAIA involvement until OCTO has weighed in