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UX: Identify new icons on MHV landing page: Payments and Supplies #83415

Closed wesrowe closed 1 day ago

wesrowe commented 2 weeks ago


User story

As a Cartography team member, I want to transition icons in the Payments and Supplies boxes to the new design system icons, so that we keep getting the benefit of the VADS.


Possible tasks:

Acceptance criteria

fmccaf1 commented 1 week ago

For med supplies, I created a Slack thread showing our options and asked directly for Kaitlin and Kristen's okay.

fmccaf1 commented 1 week ago

Resolution from thread on med supplies: let's not add any new icons that other teams don't need. We might not still need them after the LP redesign. So, for med supplies, we'll go with the medical services icon (briefcase with +).

fmccaf1 commented 4 days ago

Slack thread created in the platform design system channel to ask about process for identifying icons we plan to use on the LP and within secondary nav.

Matt Dingee reached out within that thread and asked me to file an experimental design ticket, which I did.

wesrowe commented 4 days ago

@fmccaf1, do you think the experimental design process will get these icons into the design system pretty quickly? I feel like the pill one went pretty quickly last week...

dcloud commented 3 days ago

FYI, the attach_money dollar sign is available for the Payments, and so is medical_services for the Supplies section… my PR is currently waiting on a fix for the pill icon, but wlll have screenshots on that PR once it is

fmccaf1 commented 1 day ago

@wesrowe as stated in standup today I don't think this is holding up our work of implementing. I think it's more of a process for documentation, so it shouldn't hold up anything (as far as I'm aware)

fmccaf1 commented 1 day ago

Actually wondering if we can close this. I asked for an async review; it doesn't seem there's any reason to track that through this ticket. I'll close.