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Sidekiq: Ensure jobs are idempotent and transactional #83424

Open scottsdevelopment opened 2 weeks ago

scottsdevelopment commented 2 weeks ago

We should verify that the Pension Benefit Intake Job is transactional. Our current hypothesis is that it is, however we need to make sure that during failures or reruns, the state continues where it left off and that things such as "email" or "uploads" do not trigger again once they have been set. These kind of issues can occur depending on where in the job the code had failed and when running them again, there should be fail safes and checks to make sure that resuming the job occurs at the correct operations.

aplatt-coforma commented 2 days ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @danlim715 @mjknight50 @scottsdevelopment @TaiWilkin @ToddWebDev @wayne-weibel