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Allow filtering by date range #83450

Open kjduensing opened 1 month ago

kjduensing commented 1 month ago


We noticed from research that some Veterans wanted to be able to filter by date range. In this case, we should allow filtering by a valid date range.

A valid date range is any time in the past to the present. There is no reason to allow future dates to be selected, but it is not a problem if the date picker allows this by default.

Acceptance Criteria

Short range to present

Medium range to present

Long range to present

Sort order is preserved

Cross filtering is preserved:

To be tested when Filter by Status (department-of-veterans-affairs/ is complete


Definition of Done

micahtaylor commented 4 weeks ago

Design ticket in progress

micahtaylor commented 3 weeks ago

Design ticket closed

Updated after CAIA and KM feedback. This design is where we will start but based on upcoming changes to how filters will be changing with Appointments we will likely revisit

hinzed1127 commented 1 week ago

@kjduensing replied to your mural comment with some thoughts on how that design could be abstracted out on the eng side

hinzed1127 commented 3 days ago

Current WIP on filtering and sorting with date ranges added in

hinzed1127 commented 3 days ago

Draft PR