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[CAIA Intake] Disability Benefits: Submission Experience #83554

Open mengA6 opened 1 month ago

mengA6 commented 1 month ago

Content, accessibility, information architecture (CAIA) new initiative collaboration request

We are mid-way through the design phase of this initiative, and we could use content, accessibility, and information architecture feedback in general. At the moment, the ask is fairly broad, but there are a few spots we could point to when we meet where we know you could help us refine some particularly rough content.

About your team

About your initiative

Many Veterans do not have a positive experience when submitting a claim for disability compensation. There are multiple issues that describe errors, confusion, a lack of clarity, missing information, and cognitive load that isn't conducive to the level of quality we aspire to provide for Veterans. This feature focuses on improving the submission experience starting at the point when the Veteran clicks "submit" on a disability benefits application on and ending when the claim is established in VBMS and all initial doc uploads succeed or the submission process ultimately fails.

More in our feature brief.

Which of these descriptions best fits the work we’ll partner on?

Select all that apply.

What's the nature of your initiative and desired outcomes?

We are redesigning touchpoints with Veterans including screens and emails that happen after a Veteran clicks "submit" on a disability benefits application. We are considering success, backup path, and multiple failure scenarios.

We are / will be coordinating with other teams on this, notably the Veteran Facing Forms team, My VA / Authenticated Experience, and Benefits Management Tools.

Success looks like:

Collaboration timeframe

Note: We work on nearly every OCTO product and manage all unauthenticated content on, so we will need to prioritize intake requests based on overall workload and VA and OCTO priorities.

Is this work tied to a Congressional mandate, change in law or policy, or upcoming event with a specific deadline?

Where are you at in your timeline?

Tell us briefly about what you're working on now (such as initial discovery, wireframing, or usability research planning) and add any known dates for upcoming milestones or deadlines.

Completed an initial round of detailed design for the success path. Midway through flow design for failure path. Roughly 40% complete with design of the entire initiative.

Will you release this new product incrementally (for example, release to 25% of users to start)?

Collaboration cycle

Which phases of the collaboration cycle have you completed?

Select all that apply.

We are going to do further strategizing of our release plan (which portions we release when, how we split up functionality into releases) before we begin the collaboration cycle

Collaboration cycle ticket

If you’re going through the collaboration cycle, provide your ticket number and link:

Supporting artifacts

Provide links to any supporting artifacts that can help us better understand your initiative and begin collaboration. Include artifacts like your product outline, user flows, mockups and prototypes, or any draft content.

Next steps

mengA6 commented 1 month ago

slack thread

laurwill commented 1 month ago

Hi @mengA6 , thanks for noting that you're working with the Veteran Facing Forms, My VA, and Benefit Management Tools teams on this work — I took a quick look at your Figma file, and there's a lot of overlap with the project to add post-submission statuses to My VA.

Here's some initial notes and questions as you continue your explorations:

Do you have a regular touchpoint with the My VA, Veteran Facing Forms, and Benefit Management/Claim Status Tool teams? These projects are so closely related that I want to make sure we're all staying aligned. I'd also suggest connecting with the Benefits Decision Reviews team if you haven't already — we recently worked on similar updates to the Board Appeal confirmation screen and related emails.

mengA6 commented 1 month ago

Thanks a lot @laurwill.

In your earlier message, I edited the "this frame" bullet to link to our Figma screen that I think you're referring to.

I think you have the wrong link on "content in the My VA prototype", but I'm not sure which screen you mean to link to there (it's currently linking to our screen). Could you edit the comment again to clarify?

mengA6 commented 1 month ago

That info about how we use "we" and the thinking you have been involved with is very helpful. I'm chatting through the submission model (terms for various statuses) with our stakeholders today. One issue for us with "preparing" is that we have a scenario in disability benefits where the initial synchronous submission doesn't work and we go through a backup path that takes (usually) 2-3 days before it completes. We were thinking of using "preparing" earlier in the process to describe what we have to do there before the claim is sent. Disability benefits claims are tricky because they depend on a combination of synchronous and asynchronous processes, and there are different kinds of backup processes if the primary paths fail. So we might need to extend My VA's model.

We don't have regular touchpoints with those teams, but I agree we should. I'll look into that soon.

And since claims don't appear in the CST until they have "Claim received" status, I'm not sure how that would work.

We have questions about this but are working with the idea that with Show status of form submissions to users on My VA and confirmation page #1170 , and this slack message from Matt Dingee :

Submitting a form triggers the pending status in MyVA. The idea is to link from the success message in the Confirmation page, the last step of a form submission, to the Benefits Applications section in MyVA where the status can be tracked. There should not be a delay between that submission and something appearing in MyVA - that's the goal.

…My VA and CST would reflect a "pending" status before a claim is received in the future.