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EPIC | Profile | PCIU Migration (BE Technical Debt) #83762

Open mtcA6 opened 1 month ago

mtcA6 commented 1 month ago


We need to migrate the PCIU endpoint to leverage Profile V3 service. Platform teams can help do most of the work and profile can support.

The teams need to:

Platform Contacts


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mtcA6 commented 1 month ago

@tpharrison could you fill in a bit more of the background and our next steps here?

tpharrison commented 1 month ago

@mtcA6 maybe we can ask if there is a RACI matrix (or something similar) for this migration. That would help us better understand our responsibility and manage the work on our end.

mtcA6 commented 1 month ago

@tpharrison since I'll be out coming up can you track that (a RACI) down and upload here?