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[Discovery] How will Claim Contextualization UI updates impact other claims? #84260

Open uxgary opened 1 month ago

uxgary commented 1 month ago

Product Outline


High Level User Story/ies

As a Designer I want to understand the claims process for all claims types supported by CST So that we can determine how to represent the different claims processes in the new accordion UI

Hypothesis or Bet

If we make this change then we expect this to happen.


Which Objective / Key Result does this epic push forward?

Definition of done

What must be true in order for you to consider this epic complete?

Take into consideration Accessibility/QA needs as well as Product, Technical, and Design requirements.

How to configure this issue

uxgary commented 1 month ago

This epic derives from a previous ticket because this work involves investigating all claims in CST, currently totaling 93 claim types.