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Business intake form for Accredited Representation Management #84313

Open oddball-lindsay opened 4 weeks ago

oddball-lindsay commented 4 weeks ago

Your Details

  1. Lindsay Li-Smith

  2. Business Line Benefits Portfolio ​

    Notification Details

  3. Notification type Email notification ​

  4. Please describe your use case. At the end of our Appoint a Representative MVP experience, users will have an option to download a PDF version of the form they just filled out. After clicking "Continue", all users will be routed to the final page in the flow, titled "your next steps" (appoint-rep/next-steps). We'd also like to send an email notification at this step, confirming the form completion and reiterating next steps -- this would be for users who have an email stored in their profile information, or have entered an email manually within the Appoint a Representative experience.


  1. What actions can the user take based on the notification they receive? There are some links we'd like to include for reference around the process and next steps. We'd also like to include a copy of the completed form for download, but are currently unsure if this is achievable as the form will include PII. We'd like to discuss the download concept with a Privacy Officer, and are also curious if VA Notify has ever done something like this in the past, with another team. Update: We are no longer pursuing a download link in the email notification. ​
  2. What is the desired business outcome? Awareness to users of next steps, in a way that can be referenced outside of our Appoint a Representative product. In user testing, many did not fully grasp that there were additional steps after completing the Appoint a Representative experience. ​
  3. What system will kick off the notification? Please note the system should be inside the VA or have an ATO. We plan to create a request in vets-api that will create a Sidekiq job to engage VA Notify's code to send out the email notification. ​
  4. What will trigger the notification? (ex., clicking submit, status updates for claims, appointment reminders, new services available) Clicking "Continue" in the final step of the Appoint a Representative process (i.e. on the Download screen). ​
  5. Provide sample content per notification type, if you have it. CAIA has been helping with our email notification content, and a template is located in Sharepoint. ​
  6. Has a Privacy Officer (PO) seen and approved the content? If not, do you know who your PO is? (ex., PO has seen the content but it is not approved) We have sent the email notification content to a Privacy Officer and requested a meeting, but have not yet heard back. Update: Privacy Officer Gina Siefert confirmed there are no issues on 6/24/2024. ​
  7. Would you prefer to provide contact information for the recipients or would you rather VA Notify look this up for you by Veteran ID? If by ID, please let us know what identifier is used in your system. (ex., VAPROFILEID, PID, BIRLS, ICN, etc.) The Sidekiq job used to kick off the notification should be able to provide the email address, so we plan to provide contact information. ​
  8. Do you currently capture communication preferences related to this notification? If so, please describe. (ex., opt in for claim status updates via email or text) We do not, and have no plans for text notifications.
  9. What is the anticipated volume of notifications per day, week, month? This is a brand new product, so it's hard to say. ​
  10. When does this notification need to be in production? We are planning to release our MVP in mid-August 2024.
oddball-lindsay commented 4 weeks ago

@mjones-oddball and @bevnobev since this is our team's first time partnering with VA Notify, I was wondering if we could have a kick off call to discuss:

  1. The possibility of a form download in the email notification
  2. Any things we should be extra-aware of, as newbies to your service

Let me know if you'd be open to a call, and if so -- who should chat with us. Happy to set something up!

mjones-oddball commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @oddball-lindsay! Happy to have a call to discuss this use case. Can you provide a few days/times next week that work for a 30 minute kickoff call?

oddball-lindsay commented 4 weeks ago

Thank you @mjones-oddball! Here are some options for a 30min call, in order of preference:

  1. Tuesday 6/4 at 10am or 2:30pm ET
  2. Monday 6/3 at 2:30pm ET
  3. Wednesday 6/5 at 12-2pm or 2:30pm ET
mjones-oddball commented 4 weeks ago

@oddball-lindsay Scheduled for 6/4 2:30 pm ET. Feel free to fwd as needed! In the meantime here's our playbook:

mjones-oddball commented 3 weeks ago

@oddball-lindsay Here's the notes from our call! When you're ready let us know what the plan is and we can provide as much or as little support as desired. I'll need VA email addresses to onboard team members to the self service portal and to send Holden the API key (if needed).

@holdenhinkle here's some info on the vets-api module I mentioned:

mjones-oddball commented 3 weeks ago

@oddball-lindsay Just wanted to share this design component that the Forms team uses for digital signatures in case you weren't aware of it:,of%20their%20knowledge%20and%20belief

oddball-lindsay commented 3 weeks ago

@GitSamJennings if the ARM team wanted to accept help from the Strike Team to build out the trigger, what would you need from us to complete that work?

GitSamJennings commented 2 weeks ago

@oddball-lindsay we would need the notification template ids from Staging and Production and the personalizations you are wanting to pass. We would also have to know when you anticipate releasing this and coordinate the release together. We could set up weekly meetings, in order to plan how we can accommodate this seamlessly, especially in regard to the staged rollout/feature flag piece.

oddball-lindsay commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you @GitSamJennings will consider all of that as we make our decision.

For now, requesting access to the self-service portal for:

GitSamJennings commented 2 weeks ago

Hi again @oddball-lindsay! I have added you all as Editors to the service in Staging and as Viewers in Production.

oddball-lindsay commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you! I'm able to initiate login to Staging with PIV, but after entering my PIN the process seems to stall out and I end up just looking at a blank screen. The playbook mentions assigning us to the right service for our team -- is that the missing link?

GitSamJennings commented 2 weeks ago

I will take a look to see what’s going on first thing tomorrow morning and get back to you. You and your team have been assigned to the proper service and you should be able to get to the landing page, after entering your pin to PIV in, so I will need to dig a little. Would you mind sending me a screenshot in Slack of the error screen, with URL?

On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 4:57 PM Lindsay Li-Smith @.***> wrote:

Thank you! I'm able to initiate login to Staging with PIV, but after entering my PIN the process seems to stall out and I end up just looking at a blank screen. The playbook mentions assigning us to the right service for our team -- is that the missing link?

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oddball-lindsay commented 2 weeks ago

@GitSamJennings @christy-tongty @mjones-oddball I'm building our email template in staging (wohoo!) and am seeing our CAIA-recommended messaging has a footer that differs from the sample template. Are we able to customize the footer language, or is it recommended to leave that alone?

Also @GitSamJennings one additional access request for the staging/production self-service portal. This is for our CAIA content partner -- their email is

GitSamJennings commented 2 weeks ago

@oddball-lindsay Anthony has now been added. Also, you are able to customize the footer. The footer in the sample is used as guidance.