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Status language research #84581

Open carafrissell1 opened 3 weeks ago

carafrissell1 commented 3 weeks ago

Summary Research study for claim status language.

Relevant design artifacts: GitHub folder with research artifacts

Research Repo tickets

Tasks [ x ] 1. - Define scope of research and questions (outline constraints) [ x ] 2. - Decide on approach and draft plan and guide [ x ] 3. - Align on plan and guide with appropriate collaborators and stakeholders [ x ] 4. - Finalize plan and guide [ x ] 5. - Submit for ReOps review [ x ] 6 - Submit recruit ticket [ ] 7. - Recruitment KO with Perigean [] 8. - Pilot [ ] 9. - Run study [ ] 10. - Analysis [ ] 11. - Present / shareout [ ] 12. - Ensure GitHub and ReOps tickets are up to date for archiving

Definition of Done Sessions/responses were conducted Analysis completed Analysis and findings presented in appropriate forum All relevant documentation is up to date

carafrissell1 commented 1 week ago

Recruit ticket in Research Repo Zenhub

Slack thread with review request from Shane

carafrissell1 commented 1 week ago

research folder: