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HLR: Review form updates #85174

Open aprocik1 opened 3 weeks ago

aprocik1 commented 3 weeks ago


The Higher-Level Review (HLR) PDF form has been updated. As a result, the online form has been updated to match.

We need to review the online form updates and provide content recommendations.




katherine-fung commented 1 week ago

Hi @aprocik1,

I've reviewed most of the updates for HLR. I needed a scratchpad outside of Figma, so I've left the recommendations in this Google doc:

I'm waiting for context on one screen (the one that notifies Veterans that they need to opt in to the modernized decision review process if they're requesting decision reviews for older issues). Once I have a recommendation for that screen, I'll let you know the doc is ready for your review.

FYI the product team has indicated they plan to release these updates incrementally so this project will need a content task to create a widget cc @strelichl


aprocik1 commented 1 week ago

@katherine-fung, I just reviewed your document and left some preliminary suggested edits. I also created a react widget content task ticket on the intake ticket.

@strelichl, can you follow up with the product team to schedule a react widget kickoff meeting? Or, can you place this on your timer to do so closer to their incremental launch date?

Thanks to both of you!

katherine-fung commented 5 days ago

Thanks @aprocik1! I've provided a content recommendation and tagged you on that last outstanding chunk of content (the legalese about the Veteran's authorization to move from the legacy appeals process to the modernized decision review process). Can you let me know what you think?

I know the approach will ultimately depend on the SMEs and how closely they believe they need to follow the PDF, but I'll reference this for support:

For context, here is my discussion with Eileen about this content:

I think a link to a page explaining the difference between the modernized decision review and legacy appeals processes might be helpful here too, but I don't think a page like this exists on the modernized VA site.

aprocik1 commented 4 days ago

Update: Katherine and I reviewed these edits together in a meeting. She's shared her recommendations with the product team. I'm moving this ticket to validate, but keeping it open for now, in case the product team needs us to return to it.