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Identify the VADS patterns and individual components that the editor will need to create using the form editor #85693

Open cjterdi opened 3 weeks ago

cjterdi commented 3 weeks ago


To publish forms that meet the design, usability and accessibility requirements defined within VADS, we need to understand the VADS patterns used to create digital forms and the attributes and content guidelines the editor will need to define within the form engine to meet those requirements

List of questions for MD and VA forms team

Figma mockups: Veteran and Editor facing

Shared Mural board with MD

Draft for gathering pattern components and attributes

Acceptance Criteria


Additional info

Default patterns List and Loop Single Response Hardened patterns Sub-patterns (components)

cjterdi commented 4 days ago

I don't think have a clear way to document what we know yet. In mural? Spreadsheet? Figma? Right now I think it is mostly been discussed but not confirmed