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[MyHealth] 404 page content #85865

Open laurwill opened 2 months ago

laurwill commented 2 months ago


The Cartography team recently built a 404 page for non-Drupal pages (everything in My HealtheVet) that is a literal duplicate in code to the Drupal version (so that the same design and functionality would be present across all pages regardless of programming language). We are in the process of submitting this to the Design System Team so that a single 404 design can live on and be governed across both programming languages.

Problem 1: Heading hierarchy is not correct

If you type in any bad URL you can see it (i.e. You'll see that the Drupal version page is missing an H1. This is a violation of a11y requirements. Currently, the page title is coded as an H3 and it reads "Sorry -- we can't find that page." Would love for you to help me tweak language of this heading and then we'll bump it to an H1.

Problem 2: Title tag is not accurate

The current title tag reads: | Veterans Affairs This is not accurate. The title tag should probably be something like Page Not Found | Veterans Affairs so that it represents the page title. I will update the title tag once we align on a revised H1.


We are proposing that we fix the problems in our React verison of the 404 (react version) and then propose those changes back to CAIA to implement on the Drupal version.

What we need help with

Can you look at the 404 page title (image below) and help me think about what it should say instead?

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 10 29 59 AM
sterkenburgsara commented 2 months ago

As a quick fix, what do you think of this?

sterkenburgsara commented 2 months ago

//cc @laflannery if you get a second to peek at the 404 and share your a11y PoV that would be really helpful!

laurwill commented 2 months ago

Hey @sterkenburgsara your fixes look great to me! We could tweak the body text while we're at it.

[H1] We can't find that page Try searching Or select a common question or popular page.

And uncap the Q in "Common questions" header

laflannery commented 2 months ago

@laurwill based on your updated copy, would you mind if we also updated the "Popular on" heading to be more specific "Popular pages on" so it aligns with where you are directing folks in how to take action?

Additional Accessibility recommendations

  1. Make page title an H1
    • As stated in the original ticket description, the main page title is an H3 currently and should be changed to an H1.
  2. Make the other headings H2s
    • Currently the other 2 headings on the page (Common Questions, Popular on are H3s but need to be H2s to follow proper hierarchy.
  3. Contain all page content within main
    • The page is broken up into 2 <div> sections but only one of these has been assigned the main landmark role. Someone navigating by landmarks on a screen reader might miss the bottom half of the page because of this set up. The 2 options are to:
      • Remove role="main" from the <div> it is on currently and add it to the parent <div>. Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 9 22 55 AM
      • Remove role="main" from the <div> it is on currently and change the parent <div> to <main> which doesn't need a role. Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 9 34 26 AM
  4. Search component
  5. Link component

@sterkenburgsara Let me know if there are any questions on the recommendations above!

laurwill commented 2 months ago

Yes! Good call @laflannery — "Popular pages on" it is :)

sterkenburgsara commented 2 months ago

Update: I thought github was broken so I submitted this ticket 7 times (created a bunch of dupes by accident). The one that is open (linked above) is our follow-on ticket that will address fixes beyond the page title & corresponding title tag. :-)

strelichl commented 2 weeks ago

@sterkenburgsara Not sure if I'm following along right, is this one ok to close out then?