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[Epic] Education rewriting restart: Completing rewriting to enable redirects #8591

Open DanielleThierryUSDSVA opened 4 years ago

DanielleThierryUSDSVA commented 4 years ago

Product Outline

Completion of education hub rewriting.

High Level User Story

As a Veteran or eligible family member considering or actively using the GI Bill and other VA education benefits, I want to quickly and easily understand and manage my benefits so I can plan my education.

Hypothesis or Bet

If we provide VA education benefit information in a modernized, easy-to-read form then we expect Veterans and family members to find the information they need.


Finishing this epic will allow the team to meet the goal of redirecting all tier 1 legacy benefit pages by end of Q2.

Definition of done

What must be true in order for you to consider this epic complete?

All steps in related issues are complete and all pages are live.

Take into consideration Accessibility/QA needs as well as Product, Technical, and Design requirements.

How to configure this issue

### Tasks
DanielleThierryUSDSVA commented 4 years ago

Notes from 4.28.20 meeting with Randi, Anne, and Danielle:

DanielleThierryUSDSVA commented 4 years ago

@mnorthuis I'd like to discuss the REAP rates page because that program was closed November 25, 2019.

DanielleThierryUSDSVA commented 4 years ago

@mnorthuis Would also like to discuss the STEM scholarship page more because it looks like there's in-progress form work around STEM.