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[CAIA A11y Research]: Appointments/Check-in, Community Care Self-Scheduling (July 2024) #86183

Open cgednalske opened 4 weeks ago

cgednalske commented 4 weeks ago

[!NOTE] High-Level Overview: Unified Appointments Experience (Appointments and Check-in)

  • Research Timeframe: Mid-July (18-22)
  • Pilot: #86740 6/25/2024
  • Assistive Tech Users: 6 AT Users (8 to be recruited) Canvas Source of Truth for Scheduling
  • Testing Environment: CodePen Prototype
  • Assistive Tech Being Used: Mobile (ALL participants); Screen Readers (6); Screen Magnification (2)
  • Task Lists: See task lists for next steps/definition of done
  • Team Contacts: Christina will be OOO: 6/26-7/5/2024, Ben and Ciera will be providing Christina's coverage.

CAIA Assignee(s)

Toggle to view information about the CAIA Team. - Sara - SK - Jamie - Evan

About the Team

[!IMPORTANT] Since Christina will be OOO: 6/26-7/5/2024, Ben and Ciera will be providing Christina's coverage.Please contact them, during that timespan.

Toggle to view information about the team. - Team name: Unified Appointments Experience (Appointments and Check-in) - OCTO-DE product owner: Kay Lawyer and Kristen McConnell - Product manager: Jeff Roof, **Ben Brasso** - Designer: **Ciera Maddox**, Christina Gednalske, Ben Brasso - FE engineer: Simi Adebowale, Lee Delarm - Product/team Slack channel: #appointments-cc-direct-scheduling (

About the Research

Toggle to view more intake research ticket information ### Purpose > The purpose of this research is to get feedback from Veterans on the CC appointment scheduling process and develop a better understanding of Veterans’ expectations around referrals. We also hope to evaluate reactions to initial concepts for referral locations. ### Insights > **This study will give us insight into:** > - if Veterans find it easy to schedule their community care appointments using the proposed scheduling process > - where Veterans expect to find their new and past referrals, and what information they expect referrals to contain > - if our initial concepts for referral locations fit Veterans’ needs and expectations within the Appointments experience ### Criteria for AT > **Primary criteria** > - All participants must be able to attend sessions on a mobile device > - All participants must have used Appointments on before to manage their appointments > - All participants must use assistive technology > - 6 screen reader users > - 2 screen magnification users > - All participants must be willing to use assistive technology during the session ### Background > The Cleland Dole Act addresses Veteran homelessness, access to care, community care, mental health, research, telehealth, prostate cancer, provider oversight and transparency, long-term care, rural health, benefits, information technology and more. #### Self-Scheduling and Community Care Self-scheduling Pilot Program > As a congressional mandate under the Cleland-Dole Act, VA must address the following for Veterans by the end of 2024: Self-scheduling appointments > Allows Veterans seeking for primary care, specialty care, and mental health care under the Veteran’s Community Care Program to self-schedule, modify, and cancel appointments directly online > Allows VA to expand capabilities of an existing appointment self-scheduling technology or purchase a new appointment self-scheduling technology > The pilot program MVP will allow Veterans at pilot sites in the Greater Los Angeles area to self-schedule physical therapy appointments using Appointments on once a referral is approved. They will also have the ability to cancel and reschedule those appointments. ### Do you have an accessibility champion? No, we don't have a champion (yet) ### If you have an accessibility champion, what's their name? _No response_ ### Is anyone on your team interested in becoming an accessibility champion? _No response_ ### Calendar checking - [X] Based on this calendar, confirm we have specialists who can support your study in your desired timeframe - [X] Confirm you are filing this support ticket at least 1 week in advance of said timeframe, so we have enough heads up to provide support ### Have you reviewed the CAIA capacity calendar? - [X] Yes, we have reviewed the CAIA capacity calendar and can confirm specialists are available to support in our research timeframe

Research Sessions


  • Providing CAIA A11ys with the time slots in advance for AT users, will allow a11ys to avoid conflicts on the CAIA A11y Capacity Calendar, and reach out to other a11ys, should CAIA not be available.
  • Providing CAIA A11ys with the technology and devices the users will be testing with, will allow CAIA to prepare in advance for the sessions.
Toggle to view research timing information. ### Timeframe - **Pilot Session**: #86740- may be async review of CodePenPrototype 6/25/2024 - **Timeframe**: 7/18/2024 - 7/22/2024 #### Availability for sessions: - July 18: 9am - 10am, 11am - 7pm ET - July 19: 9am - 7pm ET - July 22: 9am - 7pm ET ### Length of sessions - **Session length:** 1 hour and 15 minutes - **Buffer time between sessions:** 30 minutes - **Maximum sessions per day:** 5

Testing Schedule

CAIA A11Ys will be looking for device and AT information. We realize that some of this information will not be available until the day of the session.

Please toggle and use the following table to enter the following information for each participant: Date and Time, Assistive tech (AT), Device and Operating System, Browser, and Skill level:

[!IMPORTANT] All sessions will be mobile, based on the research plan.

Toggle to view the AT testing schedule P# | Date and Time (ET) | AT | Device and OS | Browser | Skill | CAIA A11ys Available ------------------|------------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|-------------- Pilot `CODEPEN` `#86740` | 6/25/24 | TalkBack | Mobile, Android | Chrome | Advanced | @SarahKay8 P13 7/18/24, 1-2:15 p.m. ET | JAWS | Mobile | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Intermediate | @sara-amanda P14 | 7/18/24, 4-5:15 p.m. ET | Screen magnification | Mobile | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | @EvanAtCoforma P15 | 7/18/24, 6-7:15 p.m. ET | VoiceOver | Mobile | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Intermediate | @EvanAtCoforma P16 | 7/19/24, 9 - 10:15 a.m. | Screen reader and screen magnification / VoiceOver | Mobile | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Intermediate | @coforma-jamie P17 | 7/22/24, 9:30-10:45 a.m. | Screen reader and screen magnification / VoiceOver | Mobile | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Intermediate | @sara-amanda P18 | 7/22/2024, 5:30-6:45 p.m. ET | Screen magnification | **Mobile**; Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc. `TBD` | Safari, Chrome, etc. `TBD` | Novice, Intermediate, Advanced `TBD` | @sara-amanda - **Consideration**: You can also consider asking participants more specific AT and device combinations. - **For instance:** TalkBack on Samsung Galaxy 8, or VoiceOver on iPad with magnification.

CAIA A11ys will review the coverage needed, and self-assign, based on a11y availability.

Observer Sign-Up - Slack Canvas

The team is utilizing a Slack Canvas for sign-ups.

Supporting artifacts

Toggle to view the supporting artifacts - [Product outline]( - [User flows]( - [Service Blueprint]( - [Service Blueprint 2]( - [MVP Designs]( - [CodePen Prototype]( - [Research plan]( - [Research conversation guide](

Next Steps: Definition of Done

### CAIA A11Y Tasks
- [x] **INTAKE TICKET:** @sara-amanda to process intake ticket 6/24/2024
- [x] **PILOT SESSION: SCHEDULE** Pilot session with team. `TBD` may be async review of CodePen Prototype
- [x] **PILOT SESSION: CREATE TICKET** Link ticket in this task list.
- [ ]
- [x] **CALENDAR HOLDS** Update A11y [CAIA Capacity Calendar]( with holds for user research sessions with AT, when dates become available.
- [x] **REMOVE CALENDAR HOLDS** Remove holds on A11y [**CAIA Capacity Calendar**]( and replace with invitations from project team (or Perigean)
- [x] **RESEARCH NOTES** [CAIA notes document](
- [x] **Divvy user research session support with CAIA A11ys** - based on availability and technology available to support. [Slack Canvas with Session Info](
- [ ] **Review research folder and assets**
- [ ] **Participate in research**  **Date Span:**`7/18/2024` to `7/22/2024`
- [ ] **SESSION NOTES**: Create CAIA notes document for a11ys to use during the sessions `link to notes - pending`
- [ ] **SYNC:** Connect with CAIA A11ys on research findings (meeting)
- [ ] **Create/update the CAIA A11y Research Deliverable** This is dependent on the number of study participants CAIA supports. If minimal, A11Ys may share feedback only in the feedback Mural or this ticket.
- [ ] **Share the completed deliverable** with the project team via Slack: `Primary Team Slack` and `Ticket`
### VFS TEAM Tasks
- [x] Tag @coforma-terry in Slack [#sitewide-content-accessibility-ia](
- [x] Your team's researchers and observers read through platform guidance on research with assistive technology users
- [x] Review our [assistive technology pilot guide]( and request a pilot, if desired
- [x] Schedule a pilot session with CAIA a11ys (or async review of CodePen Prototype - per Slack Request)
- [x] **PROTOTYPE:** Provide prototype to CAIA A11ys via this ticket in the supporting artifacts section
- [x] **DATES NEEDED** See `Table` in the ticket above. Please provide date range and slots for AT sessions being planned. [Slack Canvas is being utilized for sign-ups](
- [ ] **ASSISTIVE TECH. INFO NEEDED:** Please provide the AT the users will be utilizing during the research sessions in `Table` in the ticket above. `Noted all will be **mobile** based on research plan.`
- [ ] **INVITES:** Forward invites from Perigean to CAIA A11ys (Sara or Terry)
sara-amanda commented 2 weeks ago

AT Sessions

  • Thursday, July 18
    • 1 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. ET - Sara
    • 4 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. ET - Evan
    • 6 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. ET - Evan
  • Friday, July 19
    • 9 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. ET - Jamie
  • Monday, July 22
    • 9:30 a.m. - 10:45 ET - Sk

cc: @SarahKay8 @coforma-jamie @EvanAtCoforma

sara-amanda commented 2 days ago

AT Sessions Update

cc: @NaomiPMC @SarahKay8 @coforma-jamie @EvanAtCoforma