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Finalize artifacts for Midpoint Review #86339

Closed shiragoodman closed 1 day ago

shiragoodman commented 2 weeks ago

User Story

As a Governance team member, I want to have consistent artifacts to review at each Midpoint Review, so that I know what to expect from the VFS team.

Assignee: @erinrwhite Peer Reviewer: @allison0034


While refining the Midpoint Review Process Improvements initiative, Governance team acknowledged that the artifacts requested from VFS teams at Staging Review are pretty loose. Since VFS teams have Midpoint Review's at varying points in their build process, there has never really been any consistency and or requirements with what VFS teams are expected to share. With the introduction of user flows being required at DI, and the SR requirements, both other Governance-owned touchpoints in the Collab Cycle have a bit more structure and expectations are clear. With Midpoint Review, that's not always true.

The purpose of this ticket is to determine specifically which artifacts VFS teams are asked to share at Midpoint Review. This ticket will also determine if any artifacts are required, and/or if any should be contingent upon whether or not the team is doing Veteran research. We may also want to consider if we have different artifacts for teams that skipped DI vs. teams that attended DI, teams that work with CAIA vs. don't work with CAIA, and also sync vs. asynch MPR.

See thoughts from former Governance team member Rebecca re: how we might make recommendations to teams. Assignee is also encouraged to reach out to other Governance team members for their thoughts/opinions.

Note: No updates will be made to any VFS-facing guidance per this ticket. Those updates will take place in ticket #85049.

Impacted Artifacts


Peer Review

To be completed by peer reviewer

Acceptance Criteria

Team Notification

How to prepare this issue


erinrwhite commented 1 week ago

@allison0034 late breaking update! Feel free to wait til we get back to look at this: Draft recommendations for MPR artifacts

erinrwhite commented 1 week ago

Planning to discuss with the team at Weekly Initiative meeting on Monday 7/1.

erinrwhite commented 2 days ago

Team is reviewing recommended updates to artifacts for midpoint reviews, based on our discussion yesterday. Slack thread

Moving to review/QA stage!

erinrwhite commented 1 day ago

Team agreed on new list of required/optional artifacts. All set!