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Create Engineering and Security Governance in Collaboration Cycle #86735

Open andreahewitt-odd opened 1 week ago

andreahewitt-odd commented 1 week ago

Problem Statement

Currently, Collaboration Cycle provides governance and support for Content, Design, IA, Accessibility, and QA. As VFS teams have grown, there is a need to provide engineering and security governance and support. Since Collaboration Cycle already has the infrastructure to work with VFS team, we want to integrate engineering and security standards into the current process.

Currently, Platform teams do not go through collaboration cycle consistently. The experience standards are not usually relevant to them but these new engineering and security standards will be.

How might we validate early in a VFS or Platform team's development that they are building with the shared products that Platform provides and. engineering and security standards in mind?

Hypothesis or Bet

If we can validate that VFS and Platform teams are following engineering and security standards early, those teams will not waste cycles building out a product that does not follow the standards.

We will know we're done when... ("Definition of Done")

VFS teams can easily follow Engineering standards VFS teams can easily follow Security standards Platform teams can easily follow Engineering standards Platform teams can easily follow Security standards The Engineering and Security Governance team can provide feedback to VFS and Platform teams early The Engineering and Security Governance team sees all technical projects before they go to production

Known Blockers/Dependencies

Projected Launch Date

First phase of user testing of standards around August 1st TBD

Launch Checklist

Guidance (delete before posting)

This checklist is intended to be used to help answer, "is my Platform initiative ready for launch?". All of the items in this checklist should be completed, with artifacts linked---or have a brief explanation of why they've been skipped---before launching a given Platforminitiative. All links or explanations can be provided in Required Artifacts sections. The items that can be skipped are marked as such.

Keep in mind the distinction between Product and Initiative --- each Product needs specific supporting documentation, but Initiatives to improve existing Products should reuse existing documentation for that Product. VSP Product Terminology for details.

Is this service / tool / feature...

... tested?

... documented?

... measurable

When you're ready to launch...

Required Artifacts





humancompanion-usds commented 6 days ago

Requirements to start a new Collab Cycle

  1. Fledgling Standards
  2. Define the touchpoints
  3. What are the assets teams need to produce at each touchpoint?
  4. What type of changes need to come to this Collab Cycle?
  5. What is launch-blocking at Staging?

Goal: Pilot with Security

humancompanion-usds commented 1 day ago