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Implement emoji response workflows for Kickoff, DI, MPR and SR #86769

Open shiragoodman opened 1 week ago

shiragoodman commented 1 week ago

User Story

As a Governance team member, I want to set up the emoji response workflows in Slack for DI, MPR and SR so that we can define and edit our new workflows for future VFS team use.

Assignee: @briandeconinck Peer Reviewer: @shiragoodman


In ticket #84492, Governance team proposed 2 possible solutions for how we might initiate touchpoint scheduling workflows for Collaboration Cycle. We decided on the emoji reaction solution, which allows us to add a specific emoji to the Calendly notification post on Slack in order to initiate the workflow associated with that specific emoji. The same decision was made for ticket #84494 re: kickoff.

The purpose of this ticket is implement the 4 specific workflows for kickoff, DI, MPR and SR within the Governance team Slack channel (#platform-governance-team).

Note: This ticket only includes implementation of the 4 workflows. It does not include updates to Governance team guidance or testing the new workflows with VFS PMs.

Impacted Artifacts


Peer Review

To be completed by peer reviewer

Acceptance Criteria

Team Notification

How to prepare this issue


briandeconinck commented 4 days ago

End-of-sprint update: Unplanned ticket picked up mid-sprint and is carrying over into the next sprint. Workflows complete for Kickoff and Design Intent. Should wrap up Midpoint Review and Staging Review early next week after the holiday and Friday PTO. Will be presenting to the Governance team at the weekly initiative meeting on Monday.