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Staging Review finding: Button is mis-identified to screen reader users #86832

Closed shiragoodman closed 1 day ago

shiragoodman commented 1 week ago

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Product Information

Team: VYE Team Product: Verify Your Enrollment Feature: Verify Your Enrollment

Findings details Experience Standard - issue: User can't identify an element or its state. Experience Standard - category: Usability Launch-blocking: Yes Design System review: No Collab Cycle Reviewer: @briandeconinck (Accessibility)


On /mgib-enrollments/benefits-profile/ when editing contact information, the Cancel button has an aria-label that misidentifies its purpose. Although the interaction is for contact information, the button is announced to screen reader users as "cancel updating your bank information for GI Bill benefits."

Link, screenshot or steps to recreate Here's that button group as currently coded: ```

Recommended action

Guessing this was a copy/paste error, but make sure the aria-label always matches the actual purpose of the element.


Next Steps for the VFS Team

jsimonVA commented 1 week ago

aria-label has been updated

jsimonVA commented 2 days ago

Update has been made and is in staging.