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Define accessibility testing plan for VADS components #87091

Closed shiragoodman closed 1 month ago

shiragoodman commented 2 months ago

User Story

"As an accessibility specialist, I want an easy-to-follow testing plan for design system components, so that I know how to consistently test each component."

Assignee: @briandeconinck @rsmithadhoc Peer Reviewer: @shiragoodman


Governance team member @briandeconinck put together an overview of accessibility testing coverage and tools doc to communicate the current accessibility testing that is completed for VFS teams at the Collaboration Cycle Staging Review. Using the recommendations and suggestions from the doc, the accessibility specialist from Governance team will work with the accessibility specialist from the Design System team to define a full accessibility test plan for VA Design System web components.

The testing plan should also note technical tool limitations. We should note what testing is possible today vs. what would be possible with the addition of certain tools/devices.

Impacted Artifacts


Peer Review

To be completed by peer reviewer

Acceptance Criteria

Team Notification

How to prepare this issue


caw310 commented 1 month ago

Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @rsmithadhoc

rsmithadhoc commented 1 month ago

@briandeconinck Awesome work on the overview page. I reviewed Overview of accessibility testing coverage and tools and marked what I currently do for DST, what I believe should be added to DST, and then others that I'm not sure about. Just documenting that here.

Can you let me know your thoughts, specifically on the unsure section? Or if I missed anything from your document. If you prefer to hop on a call and discuss, I can do so as well. Thanks!

rsmithadhoc commented 1 month ago

@briandeconinck I also started a draft PR for the docs page itself. I can take the lead on filling everything out, but not opposed to any inline comments with your thoughts or pushes to that branch. It's still an incomplete rough draft, so I'll be pushing regular changes to that. Thanks!

We also created an issue for this documentation, so this is just a head start on that.

briandeconinck commented 1 month ago

@rsmithadhoc It's bad form to comment 5 minutes before we meet to talk about stuff, but here I am anyway... Sorry for the delay in replying.

what I currently do for DST, what I believe should be added to DST, and then others that I'm not sure about. Just documenting that here.

This all looks good! On the "unsure" items, we could delineate some of this as:

I'm thinking: You test with a core set of AT (maybe the most-used based on known market share), then I round it out with the others in my review.

Windows Narrator - We may want to add this since it is the default option on Windows. My concern here is if we have done everything correctly, but only Narrator has issues with it, what do we do then? I haven't used it enough to know how well it performs.

I've been thinking about this a lot. My gut reaction right now is that this is a "document and add to the backlog" situation. Identify known issues on specific AT, triage it, and make that known issue public the way USWDS does.

VoiceOver with Safari (mobile) - I do not have an Apple iOS device to test with.

Let's fix that! 😄 Once we have something clearly articulated in the design system, we can make a plan for aligning devices for Ad Hoc a11y folks. In the meantime, I have both iOS and Android devices that I can test with.

Screen magnifier - If we have done everything else well, will this yield any significant issues? I think the main thing to look for are any alerts that appear and make sure they are close to the area of focus.

Probably not going to be an issue for components, more likely to be an issue for VFS products doing weird layout stuff. But I think it might be a good thing to document for the design system anyway, just to demonstrate coverage / get ahead of "if the design system doesn't test for it then why should I?" complaints from VFS teams.

rsmithadhoc commented 1 month ago

@briandeconinck Thanks! Yeah, that all sounds good to me.

For documenting things and adding to the backlog, I like that idea. I think for the testing results, we could have "Pass", "Pass with exceptions", "Fail" to document those things on the component page to make people aware.