Open a6marinos opened 5 months ago
As of 8/5/2024 sync with GCLaws team: Gary is working on getting updated minimal schema and parameter documentation provided by EoD 8/6.
From Gary Mathis: Jennifer, Below is the test sample for Form21a. Can you send this to Tanner and whomever else needs it?
{ "firstName": "Thomas", "middleName": "Andrew", "lastName": "Thumb", "suffix": "Jr.", "homePhone": "5558675309", "homePhoneTypeId": 3, "canReceiveTexts": true, "homeEmail": "", "birthDate": "2024-07-12", "birthAddressLine1": "12 Little Lane", "birthAddressLine2": "Building 2", "birthAddressLine3": "Houston", "birthCity": "Houston", "birthState": "TX", "birthCountry": "USA", "homeAddressLine1": "123 Little Street", "homeAddressLine1ine2": "Building 3", "homeAddressLine1ine3": "Apt 432", "homeAddressCity": "Dallas", "homeAddressState": "TX", "homeAddressPostalCode": "12345", "homeAddressCountry": "USA", "homeAddressIsMilitary": false, "businessName": "Tom Thumb's Fables and More", "businessAddressLine1": "555 PeeWee Street", "businessAddressLine2": "Building 630", "businessAddressLine3": "Unit 4", "businessAddressCity": "Houston", "businessAddressState": "TX", "businessAddressPostalCode": "12343", "businessAddressCountry": "USA", "businessAddressIsMilitary": false, "otherAddressLine1": "555 PeeWee Street", "otherAddressLine2": "Building 630", "otherAddressLine3": "Unit 4", "otherAddressCity": "Houston", "otherAddressState": "TX", "otherAddressPostalCode": "12343", "otherAddressCountry": "USA", "otherAddressIsMilitary": false, "primaryMailingAddress": "home", "applicationStatusId": 1, "accreditationTypeId": 2, "genderId": 2, "instructionAcknowledge": true, "employmentStatusId": 1, "employmentStatusExplaination": null, "employment": [ { "name": "Daily Bugle", "addressLine1": "123 4th street", "addressLine2": "Building 405", "addressLine3": "Suite 7", "addressCity": "New York", "addressState": "NY", "addressPostalCode": "12345", "addressCountry": "USA", "phoneNumber": "5552121234", "phoneExtension": "2335", "phoneTypeId": 7, "positionTitle": "Comic Relief", "startDate": "2024-07-11", "endDate": "2024-07-11", "supervisorName": "Peter Parker", "supervisorEmail": "" } ], "education": [ { "name": "Test University Name", "addressLine1": "123 4th street", "addressLine2": "Building 405", "addressLine3": "Suite 7", "addressCity": "Boston", "addressState": "MA", "addressPostalCode": "12345", "addressCountry": "USA", "institutionTypeId": 3, "startDate": "2024-07-03", "endDate": "2024-07-03", "wasDegreeReceived": true, "degreeTypeId": 4, "major": "Biology" } ], "servedInMilitary": true, "militaryServices": [ { "serviceBranchId": 4, "entryDate": "2000-07-11", "dischargeDate": "2013-09-03", "dischargeTypeId": 2, "dischargeTypeExplanation": "I was kicked out for going AWOL. I did not know that leaving the base for a week was AWOL.", } ], "characterReferences": [ { "firstName": "Tom", "middleName": "Eugene", "lastName": "Horner", "suffix": "Jr.", "addressLine1": "123 4th street", "addressLine2": "Building 405", "addressLine3": "Suite 7", "addressCity": "Boston", "addressState": "MA", "addressPostalCode": "12345", "addressCountry": "USA", "addressIsMilitary": false, "phoneNumber": "5552221344", "phoneExtension": "", "phoneTypeId": 2, "email": "", "relationshipToApplicantTypeId": 4 } ], "advertisingtoVeterans": false, "consultingService": false, "financialPlanning": false, "funeralIndustry": false, "homeNursingCare": false, "medicalServices": false, "isInGoodStanding": false, "jurisdictions": [ { "name": "Test Jurisdiction Admittance", "admittanceTypeId": 1, "admissionDate": "2024-07-02", "membershipRegistrationNumber": "BR549", } ], "jurisdictionUploadedAllDocuments": false, "jurisdictionDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "jurisdictionExplan": "Bla Bla Bla", "admittedToPracticeAgency": false, "agencies": [ { "admittanceTypeId": 2, "admittanceType": null, "admissionDate": "2024-07-02", "membershipRegistrationNumber": "BR549A", }, { "name": "Test2 Agency Admittance", "admittanceTypeId": 2, "admittanceType": null, "admissionDate": "2024-07-02", "membershipRegistrationNumber": "BR549B", } ], "agenciesUploadedAllDocuments": true, "agenciesDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "agenciesExplan": "Bla Bla Bla", "wasImprisoned": false, "imprisonedExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "imprisonedUploadedAllDocuments": true, "imprisonedDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "wasMilitaryConviction": false, "militaryConvictionExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "militaryConvictionUploadedAllDocuments": true, "militaryConvictionDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "isCurrentlyCharged": false, "currentlyChargedExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "currentlyChargedUploadedAllDocuments": true, "currentlyChargedDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "wasSuspended": false, "suspendedExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "suspendedUploadedAllDocuments": true, "suspendedDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "hasWithdrawn": false, "withdrawnExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "withdrawnUploadedAllDocuments": true, "withdrawnDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "wasDisciplined": false, "disciplinedExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "disciplinedUploadedAllDocuments": false, "disciplinedDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "hasResignedRetired": false, "resignedRetiredExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "resignedRetiredUploadedAllDocuments": true, "resignedRetiredDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "wasAgentAttorney": false, "agentAttorneyExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "agentAttorneyUploadedAllDocuments": true, "agentAttorneyDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "wasReprimanded": false, "reprimandedExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "reprimandedUploadedAllDocuments": true, "reprimandedDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "hasResignedToAvoidReprimand": false, "resignedToAvoidReprimandExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "resignedToAvoidReprimandUploadedAllDocuments": true, "resignedToAvoidReprimandDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "hasAppliedForAccreditation": false, "appliedForAccreditationExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "appliedForAccreditationUploadedAllDocuments": true, "appliedForAccreditationDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "wasAccreditationTerminated": false, "accreditationTerminatedExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "accreditationTerminatedUploadedAllDocuments": true, "accreditationTerminatedDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "hasImpairments": false, "impairmentsExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "impairmentsUploadedAllDocuments": true, "impairmentsDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "hasPhysicalLimitations": false, "physicalLimitationsExplanation": "Bla Bla Bla", "physicalLimitationsUploadedAllDocuments": true, "physicalLimitationsDeclinedToUploadDocuments": false, "supplementalStatement": "Bla Bla Bla", "personalStatement": "Bla Bla Bla", "signature": "Signature string" }
FormTypeId: 1 = Form21, 2 = Form21a
AccreditationTypeId: 1 = Agent, 2 = Attorney, 3 = VSO Representative, 4 = Authorized Individual, 5 = VSO
ApplicationStatusId: 1 = Pending, 2 = Request/Return for information, 3 = VA Reference Check, 4 = Character References, 5 = Background Check, 6 = Paralegal Research, 7 = Attornet C&F, 8 = DCC Review, 9 = Complete-Denial Letter, 10 = Complete-Accredited, 11 = Complete-Withdraw/Abandoned/Other, 12 = Exam Invitation, 13 = Exam Scheduled, 14 = Exam Failed
Gender: 1 = unknown, 2 = male, 3 = female
AddressTypeId: 1 = home, 2 = business, 3 = employment, 4 = institution, 5 = characterReference
EmploymentStatusId: 1 = Employed, 2 = Unemployed, 3 = Self-employed, 4 = Student
serviceBranchId: 1 = Air Force, 2 = Army, 3 = Coast Guard, 4 = Marines, 5 = Navy, 6 = NOAA, 7 = No Active Service, 8 = Public Health Service, 9 = Space Force, 10 = Other
DischargeTypeId: 1 = Bad Conduct, 2 = Dishonorable, 3 = Convenience of Govt, 4 = Entry Level, 5 = General, 6 = Honorable, 7 = Medical, 8 = Other Than Honorable
phoneTypeId: 1 = Fax, 2 = Home, 3 = Mobile, 4 = Other, 5 = Pager, 6 = TTY/TDD(711), 7 = Work
institutionTypeId: 1 = High School, 2 = Community College, 3 = Under Graduate, 4 = Graduate
DegreeTypeId: 1 = GED, 2 = HS Diploma, 3 = Associates, 4 = Bachelors, 5 = Masters, 6 = Doctorate
AdmittanceTypeId: = 1 = Jurisdiction, 2 = Agency
DocumentTypeId: 1 = Jurisdiction, 2 = Agency, 3 = Imprisoned, 4 = Convicted, 5 = CurrentlyCharged, 6 = Suspended, 7 = Withdrawn, 8 = Disciplined, 9 = ResignedRetired, 10 = AgencyAttorney, 11 = Reprimanded, 12 = ResignedToAvoidReprimand, 13 = AppliedForAccreditation, 14 = AccreditationTerminated, 15 = Impairments, 16 = PhysicalLimitations,
RelationToApplicantId: 1 = Classmate, 2 = Colleague, 3 = Customer/Client, 4 = Friend, 5 = Neighbor, 6 = Supervisor, 7 = Educator, 8 = Other
Once PR is reviewed we will close the ticket, and create follow up ticket to update our end once alignment has been reached between GCLAWS and new ARFv2
PR -
@gabezurita to add basic vets-api parameter validation
- [x] vets-api has schema validation (this may be redundant, so let's chat about this)
This AC bullet became follow-on work here.
Needs a second pass. No verified test suite yet. Also found erroneous code. Reverted with ability to recover deleted code from git history.
Based on Slack conversation, here's the update for OJ:
Validate that the submitted form has the correct schema server side, again leveraging the vets-json-schema project's schema here
@jquispe-oddball Updated guidance on what to focus on: Transform 21a form data client side (before submitting it to the server)
Let's update the JSON object on vets-website, and consider adding validation in vets-api before sending the POST to the Form21as GCLAWS endpoint. For the latest version of the schema, check the
(requires CAG) POST Form21as Swagger docs!Reference this PR as a starting point:
) to determine if it is appropriate to add schema (if so, determine size of lift to implement and whether a follow-on issue is appropriate). This bullet became follow-on work here.