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Update VEText page with additional types of PHI and short codes #87286

Open laurwill opened 2 months ago

laurwill commented 2 months ago

As part of our work on the MHV appointment reminder emails, we reviewed the VEText appointment reminders. We realized the PHI versions of the text reminders contain more PHI than what we describe on our static page. We also need to add new short codes the texts may use.

Types of PHI:


Short codes:

laurwill commented 2 months ago

Hi @jwowk , here's the ticket where we'll track the page updates. Our content team is OOO next week, so I'll pick this up on 7/8!

JamieRamsay commented 1 month ago

@jwowk @laurwill @shanemelliott we have some updates we're requesting to add to this page ahead of the launch of VEText Federal EHR. Some of the codes need updates as well as some explanation. We are going live tomorrow, is there a way to make these today?

  1. Recommendation to use VADS blue alert at top of page to announce the new VEText Federal EHR

VTFEHR VAgov Alert

  1. Update "Getting locations in appointment reminders" section with the new text below:

Receiving basic VEText appointment reminders Basic VEText reminders include Non-Protected Health Information (Non-PHI). Non-PHI appointment reminders include date, time, and the option to confirm or cancel your upcoming appointment. They do not include the address of your appointment or the name of the facility/clinic, which is considered Protected Health Information (PHI). If you do not want to receive PHI, you do not need to do anything.

To receive facility and clinic locations in your VEText appointment reminders, reply to a VEText appointment reminder with PHI or the 5-digit zip code for your home address. Or text your zip code to 58404.

You will receive instructions on how to begin including your name and the name of the VA health facility in each reminder. The following VA Medical Centers (VAMC) and their associated clinics use VEText Federal EHR: Captain James A Lovell IL FHCC; Chalmers P Wylie OH VA Ambulatory Care Center; Jonathan M Wainwright WA VAMC; Mann-Grandstaff WA VAMC; Roseburg, OR VAMC; and White City, OR VAMC. This change will take effect for future reminders and is not immediate.

To receive locations for all other VA health facility appointments, reply to a VEText reminder with the 5-digit zip code for your home address. Or text your zip code to 53079. VEText appointment reminders will begin to show your name, the name of the facility or clinic whose appointment you are scheduled for, and the physical address of the VA medical center facility or clinic. This change will take effect for future reminders and is not immediate.

To stop receiving locations, reply BASIC to a VEText reminder. You will no longer receive personalized reminders with the facility/clinic name and address.

You can also text BASIC to these numbers to stop including your name and the facility name in your text messages:

  1. Update section "How to opt out of VEText - or opt back in" with the following text:

How to opt out of VEText - or opt back in If you previously received text message appointment reminders at a Federal EHR facility, we will automatically send you text appointment reminders. If you have never received text message appointment reminders at a Federal EHR facility, you must opt-in through your provider. The following facilities and their associated clinics use the Federal EHR: Captain James A Lovell IL FHCC; Chalmers P Wylie OH VA Ambulatory Care Center; Jonathan M Wainwright WA VAMC; Mann-Grandstaff WA VAMC; Roseburg, OR VAMC; and White City, OR VAMC.

At all other facilities, if we have your mobile phone number in our records, we will automatically send you text appointment reminders.

Here’s how to opt out or opt back in at Federal EHR facilities:

Here’s how to opt out or opt back in at all other facilities:

You can also text STOP or START to these numbers for certain message types:

Check with your provider to see if your facility sends vaccine reminders and emergency texts.

Or you can call your VA health facility. Ask to connect with the VEText coordinator or medical support assistant.

Find your VA health facility

  1. Add three question and answers to the FAQ section:

Does my facility use VEText Federal EHR?

The following facilities and their associated clinics use the Federal EHR: Captain James A Lovell IL FHCC; Chalmers P Wylie OH VA Ambulatory Care Center; Jonathan M Wainwright WA VAMC; Mann-Grandstaff WA VAMC; Roseburg, OR VAMC; and White City, OR VAMC. If you would like to receive VEText text message reminders at these facilities, confirm with your provider that you are opted-in. Ask to connect with the VEText coordinator or medical support assistant.

What if I am not receiving text message appointment reminders?

Call your VA health facility. Ask to connect with the VEText coordinator or medical support assistant. You can also speak with a front desk staff person when you are in your provider’s office to confirm that you are set up to receive text message reminders.

If I opt-in to receive location information in my appointment reminders, will those messages begin immediately?

No. Once you have texted your zip code or the reply code to a message, you will receive instructions to verify that you would like to receive text message appointment reminders. Reminders that include location information will be sent for any appointment reminders that you receive in the future and is not immediate.

JamieRamsay commented 1 month ago

Visual comparison of current and proposed sections on the page for reference: VA gov VEText info page updates

laurwill commented 1 month ago

Hi @JamieRamsay , we'll need to put these updates through our editorial process to align with the VA style guide, and there's quite a bit of new content here, so it's unlikely we'll be able to publish today. But if the content on the live page will be inaccurate starting tomorrow, we can try to prioritize making these updates as quickly as possible.

I have a few initial questions:

Since this is a timely request, a quick call might make sense to clear some of this up — I'll reach out on slack and see if we can set something up. Thanks!

JamieRamsay commented 1 month ago

Thank you so much for your attention @laurwill . We recognize the editorial process involved and appreciate your prioritizing this request. Happy to meet up this afternoon!

  1. VEText Federal EHR is the same system rolling out to Oracle facilities/Federal EHR. However, due to the differences in the EHRs, they are built slightly differently on the backend, which also necessitates a different short code for each, and some different reply codes. So the codes are not interchangeable, although some of the replies are the same. We recognize the cognitive load this presents and are open to changing formatting to make this more digestible.

I'm running into meeting and happy to clarify the rest via a call!

JamieRamsay commented 1 month ago
  1. If we had a way to authenticate to show content, that would be ideal. It would eliminate needs for the "if this, then do this" type of instructions. Interested in hearing more. The functionality is mostly the same, thought VEText VistA has more features that are not yet part of VEText Federal EHR. The initial release of VEText Federal EHR will have basic functionality and more features will roll out over time.

  2. Because we were unsure of how quickly this page could get updated, we opted to not include the link to this page in other Comms that are going out about the release. The update to the page was to insure that if a Veteran heard about it, and searched VA for more information that led them to this page, the information would be there.

laurwill commented 1 month ago

Lots of updates here after slack convos:

I'm OOO tomorrow and Friday, but noting next steps to pick up next week:

laurwill commented 1 week ago

Hi @JamieRamsay @jwowk ,

I made some draft updates to the VEText page:

Could you review the draft updates and let me know if you have any accuracy concerns? Thank you!

Preview of draft updates:

JamieRamsay commented 3 days ago

@laurwill sorry I was out of the office the last two weeks. Is the link still active? I cannot seem to open the preview.

Whoops, nevermind, I can open it, looking at this now!

JamieRamsay commented 3 days ago

I think removing the dates from FEHR sites is a good call at this point. Smart.

As for the "Getting locations update", yes, I think that addition helps clarify. The current text does not clearly point out that the clinic name is also not included, which is important to point out. I think also adding the "why" (because there names and locations are part of your PHI) helps with transparency.

One update to make for sites that use My VA Health and signing up for PHI messages: To start getting facility and clinic information in your text reminders, reply PHI to a VEText reminder. Or text your 5-digit zip code for your home address to 54804.