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[a11y audit] Veteran Facing Forms, VA Form 21-4138 - Post User Research (VFF Initial Audit) #87424

Open sara-amanda opened 2 months ago

sara-amanda commented 2 months ago


CAIA Accessibility Review Prior to User Research

CAIA (@EvanAtCoforma and/or @mutiaadhocteam ) will review one prototype in staging for accessibility issues and make recommendations to the Veteran Facing Forms Team before upcoming user research:


Prototype in Staging

Accessibility Review


  • There are two options for this audit's deliverables a Google Sheet or a GitHub .md file.
  • For screen-reader compatibility, we recommend using the markdown deliverable, linked below:

Deliverable Options (select one)

VFF Team Info

Definition of Done

### A11y Tasks to Complete
- [ ] Review past audit(s) c/o VFF Team #81979 
- [ ]
- [x] Notification to resume audit - received 7/8/2024
- [x] Create accessibility review spreadsheet from template (also linked in ticket) - [Template for Complex A11Y Audit](
- [x] Link to this ticket, and WIP artifact, in originating ticket
- [ ] **OPTION 1:** (For screen reader compatibility use option 2) Complete the audit [artifact - Google Sheet](
- [ ] **OPTION 2:** (Recommended as it is screen-reader compatible): Complete the [GitHub Markdown artifact](
### Deliverable
- [ ] **Future Item:** Complete accessibility review 
- [ ] Notify team in comments and link to audit
- [ ] Notify team in Slack
sara-amanda commented 1 month ago

VFF Audit - Completed

@EvanAtCoforma - while you were OOO, Jeana completed her audit, linked in the task list in this ticket.


Let me know after reviewing if you would like to keep this ticket open - or close it.

cc: @NaomiPMC

sara-amanda commented 1 month ago

Limited GitHub Access

Tagging @mutiaadhocteam in this ticket, until we can add Maria successfully to the assignees in this ticket, when access is provided, during the onboarding process.

cc: @NaomiPMC @EvanAtCoforma

sara-amanda commented 1 month ago


Upcoming Research

The VFF team will be conducting research, August 5 - 15, 2024, which will include Assistive Technology.

Connected Activity

Completed Reviews

cc: @EvanAtCoforma @NaomiPMC @mutiaadhocteam

sara-amanda commented 3 weeks ago

a11y Feedback

[!TIP] This feedback is the result of the staging prototype being reviewed by an experienced, native screen reader, and it details their findings from their full, authentic experience.

  • Therefore, we understand that some of the findings in this feedback may be existing issues on file with VA, and could be undergoing, or have, pending, planned remediation for post-launch.
  • If that is the case, we understand, completely, so feel free to review and consider, only the applicable feedback.
  • CAIA a11y feedback is not currently mandated, and is meant to be a resource for VFS teams, in order to create an equitable experience for our users. We hope that some, all or most of this feedback can be helpful now, or in the future, and generate a collaborative discussion.
  • Should you have any questions, always feel free to reach out.

Testing Details

Finding 1: "Continue" button is located at the end of the screen in VA Form 21-4138

Toggle to access findings and recommendations - **Screen**: All pages with "Continue" buttons - **Version**: All - **Experience standard:** [Findability]( - **Description**: The "Continue" button is located at the end of the screens throughout the form. - **Details**: - Users may have difficulty determining the next steps for the form. - Additionally, users may find it difficult to navigate through a considerable amount of content (form fields, dropdowns, text, etc.) before locating the "Continue" button. vetform2 ### Recommendation for Finding 1 The "Continue" button should be located next to the "Back" link.

VFS Team Feedback for Finding 1

Feel free to share the status of this finding, by checking the appropriate box, below.

Finding 2: No success message automatically announced upon updating information

Toggle to access findings and recommendations - **Screen**: [6 of 6 Review application]( Version: All - **Experience standard**: [Comprehension]( - **Description**: No success message is automatically announced upon updating information - **Details**: - Users may have difficulty understanding that the information on the page has been successfully updated. - Focus is sent back to the "Edit" button on updating information in a section. - To determine that the information has been updated, the user would have to navigate through the content. Users may find this to be disruptive and cumbersome. vetform1 ### Recommendation for Finding 2 A success message should be automatically announced upon updating or otherwise editing information on the screen.

VFS Team Feedback for Finding 2

Feel free to share the status of this finding, by checking the appropriate box, below.

Finding 3: No error message automatically announced upon submitting an application containing errors

Toggle to access findings and recommendations - **Screen**: [6 of 6 Review application]( - **Version**: All - **Experience standard**: [Comprehension]( - **Description**: No error message is automatically announced upon submitting an application containing errors. - **Details**: - Users may have difficulty understanding than an error is preventing them from submitting the form. - Users will have to navigate through the content on the screen to understand that there is an error on the page. vetform3 ### Recommendation for Finding 3 An error message should be announced upon submitting a form with errors. This will inform the user that an error exists on the page and will prevent the user from unnecessary navigation of the page's content.

VFS Team Feedback for Finding 3

Feel free to share the status of this finding, by checking the appropriate box, below.

Finding 4: Focus is not automatically sent to the location of an error

Toggle to access findings and recommendations - **Screen**: [6 of 6 Review application]( Version: All - **Experience standard**: [Findability]( - **Description**: Focus is not sent to the error that exists on the page upon submission of an application that contains an error. - **Details**: - Users may have difficulty understanding where an error exists on the page. - Users will have to navigate through the page's content to locate the error. ### Recommendation for Finding 4 Focus should be sent to the error that exists on the page.

VFS Team Feedback for Finding 4

Feel free to share the status of this finding, by checking the appropriate box, below.

Next Steps