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Redirect Request: R&S FAQ for WAVE #87445

Open jennymayoco opened 1 week ago

jennymayoco commented 1 week ago


[2024-07-02] [Jenny] We are archiving the R&S FAQ page on WAVE as this tool will be replaced by the new Verify your Enrollment tool. The team's latest update is that they intend to launch to prod today. Once we get confirmation, Randi H. will be publishing the static page with the widget and we'll be able to move forward with this redirect. We just wanted to kick off this process since the tool should be launching soon. I'll follow up once we're good to move forward with implementation.


POC Github alias(es)
Product team point(s) of contact: @cassidy-beach @jason-gcio
Content point of contact: @RLHecht
IA point of contact: @jennymayoco

Type of request

Do you need Public Websites to implement this redirect?

Implementation date

When does this request need to be live? NOTE: Redirects deploy M-Th. Friday launches should be avoided. Choose one:


Current URL Redirect Destination or New URL

Vanity URLs

Vanity URL Landing page
requested URL landing page URL

Link to campaign landing page request issue:

Process, Roles and Responsibilities

jennymayoco commented 1 week ago

Hi @jilladams @FranECross! We are archiving the R&S FAQ page on WAVE as this tool will be replaced by the new Verify your Enrollment tool. The team's latest update is that they intend to launch to prod today. Once we get confirmation, Randi will be publishing the static page with the widget and we'll be able to move forward with this redirect. We just wanted to kick off this process since the tool should be launching soon. I'll follow up once we're good to move forward with implementation. Thanks!

cc @RLHecht @cassidy-beach @jason-gcio for awareness