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[Discovery] Logged-in homepage: Final synthesis #8839

Closed Samara-Strauss closed 4 years ago

Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago


We need to put together a final discovery synthesis that summarizes the most important findings from the stakeholder interviews, user research, comparative analysis, and analytics review. We also need to make any final recommendations we have about how to approach this project.


Acceptance criteria

Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago

@andaleliz I added my outline here and also moved the initial discovery summary thoughts we had to that page.

Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago

Hey @andaleliz! I am SO sorry this took all day, but I finally had a chance to update the key findings section of the outline. Let me know what you think.

Otherwise, I think the rest of what was in your doc was either already represented in the outline or might be too granular (but perfect for a detailed, informal doc that we hand off to Tressa). Let me know your thoughts!

Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago

Btw, I did not have time to think about the Projects section under the Recommendations heading today, so that is largely unchanged. I'll continue to work on that. Otherwise, I think the rest of the outline is all set.

andaleliz commented 4 years ago

Hey @Samara-Strauss, no worries! Totally understand when other things come up.

I can relate to wanting to add section headings for structure - I did the same thing for the user research synthesis! I ended up taking them out during my 3rd or 4th revision, once things felt more organized and clear overall. I think they're helpful as we refine the report, and I vote to leave them in for now. We can always remove once things are more solidified, if we think they'll feel like noise to our audience.

In terms of what you moved over, I think all the bases are covered now! Thanks for doing that.

I added the recommendation about younger Veterans to the process section, under user test, user test, user test because I really don't want that to get lost.

I'll work on adding details to the key findings. There are a couple that I think need to be reworded to reflect what we saw across multiple parts of this discovery (rather than just user sessions), but I'll point those out in a separate comment once I've updated the document.

Oh, and RE recommendations - posted in Slack about this and Shawna's suggestion. I like the idea of involving the team somehow with these before we consider it final.

andaleliz commented 4 years ago

Also, I think a Discovery Goals section would be helpful (between background and activities) to give more context to why we chose those specific discovery activities, especially for someone who is stepping into this work for the first time. I brought over bullets from the original research needs doc you created at the beginning of this work.

andaleliz commented 4 years ago

@Samara-Strauss I added details to the first three findings.

I'd love your feedback on a couple of points before I go further:

Also, FYI, I'm updating the word "people" to "Veterans" where applicable in this report, because we also talked to stakeholders and I want to be sure the findings are clear.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts! :)

Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago

I added the recommendation about younger Veterans to the process section, under user test, user test, user test because I really don't want that to get lost.

Yes, thank you! Sorry I missed that.

I'll work on adding details to the key findings. There are a couple that I think need to be reworded to reflect what we saw across multiple parts of this discovery (rather than just user sessions), but I'll point those out in a separate comment once I've updated the document.

Yes, please feel free to reword. The wording is NOT final and not sacred. Most of it was done very quickly so another eye and further refining is much appreciated :)

Oh, and RE recommendations - posted in Slack about this and Shawna's suggestion. I like the idea of involving the team somehow with these before we consider it final.

Agreed! I am going to have a plan to share with the team so we can get feedback and update before sharing to the larger VA team.

Also, I think a Discovery Goals section would be helpful (between background and activities) to give more context to why we chose those specific discovery activities, especially for someone who is stepping into this work for the first time. I brought over bullets from the original research needs doc you created at the beginning of this work.

Great idea. I would say let's keep this as brief as we can so we can get people to the good stuff quickly, but yes, I agree this makes sense.

Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago

Samara-Strauss I added details to the first three findings.

I'd love your feedback on a couple of points before I go further:

  • how does this line up with the level of detail you have in mind for this report?
  • I'm not sure how much evidence we should provide from each activity to make a strong case for the finding; so far have been trying to take it 1 step further than just "in this activity we saw xyz" and back it up with a link or specific detail.
  • anything else you'd like to share feedback on.

Some specific feedback below:

People want a task-based logged-in homepage tailored to them.

Health care and disability are king.

andaleliz commented 4 years ago

This is great feedback, thanks @Samara-Strauss! Going to run with this.

RE the noise and clutter - the participant who gave the the horn tooting quote was referring to all the extraneous content as the VA tooting their horn. I'll go back through and see if I can find any other more specific quotes about that though :) I do think that quote makes more sense above the bullets, immediately under the noise comment.

Toot toot! (really want to make sure this comment goes down has having the most toots in one issue)

andaleliz commented 4 years ago

@Samara-Strauss I've updated the final findings summary doc w/ the first few sections - let me know what you think!

Question: Would it be okay for me to add the HKS PDF file to our repo somewhere, and then link to it in our doc? I think it's worth noting, but not sure if there is sensitivity around sharing that out.

Note: You had a finding written as "Not everything needs to be a “widget” — the best structure highlights the most important information and is easy to scan."

I updated to what you see in the doc (focused on widgets vs links) because the widget vs structure part feel a little disjointed to me combined. Structure and scan-ability don't always go hand in hand with widgets, and how people get things done. It also hints at someone saying everything DOES have to be a widget, which isn't the case afaik.

Finally, I initially split this into two findings, with one addressing the structure. As I wrote it out, it felt redundant to the comments about the blue sky prototype and notifications, which I think are more important and could concretely be tied to multiple activities in our overall discovery effort.

Totally open to discussion and revising if you disagree and want me to work on detailing out something on structure, or bring them back together.

Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago

Hey @andaleliz!! SO excited to check out the first few sections of the final summary! I'm going to do that tomorrow but wanted to acknowledge receipt before leaving for the day.

I also wanted to let you know I more fully filled out the details for how I see us carrying out the logged-in homepage project under the Recommendations heading of the outline. I would love your feedback on that section before I start writing. Do you think this sounds like a reasonable and actionable plan based on the research findings?

Also, I haven't made any additional changes to the Process or Next Steps sections, but I think those are OK for me to start working on, and I'll get those to you for feedback when they actually have more fully fleshed out content in them.

Would it be okay for me to add the HKS PDF file to our repo somewhere, and then link to it in our doc? I think it's worth noting, but not sure if there is sensitivity around sharing that out.

Yes! This is actually already in our repo but in a different team folder. No sensitivity to sharing that out.

You had a finding written as "Not everything needs to be a “widget” — the best structure highlights the most important information and is easy to scan."

I updated to what you see in the doc (focused on widgets vs links) because the widget vs structure part feel a little disjointed to me combined. Structure and scan-ability don't always go hand in hand with widgets, and how people get things done. It also hints at someone saying everything DOES have to be a widget, which isn't the case afaik.

Finally, I initially split this into two findings, with one addressing the structure. As I wrote it out, it felt redundant to the comments about the blue sky prototype and notifications, which I think are more important and could concretely be tied to multiple activities in our overall discovery effort.

Totally open to discussion and revising if you disagree and want me to work on detailing out something on structure, or bring them back together.

I'll give everything a full review tomorrow, but this all sounds good to me. You make a good point that my initial wording in the outline re: widgets wasn't really communicating the point we were trying to get across, so your updates sounds like they provide more clarity. I'll let you know if I have any specific feedback after I'm able to give this a read.

andaleliz commented 4 years ago

@Samara-Strauss the recommendations section looks good -definitely reasonable and actionable from the findings. These recommendations serve as a plan for moving forward, at least to me, so there are just a few things I would consider updating when you start writing it out in more detail:


Out of scope: Moving over "Find VA Benefits" functionality or content

Would this be in scope for phase 3?

There aren't any specific recommendations about improving access to documents/records. What are your thoughts around that?

Looping in @sshein for awareness - sorry to ping you so late in the thread on this issue! I just realized I hadn't done it sooner.

Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago

Hey Liz! Here are my notes on the report so far:


Discovery Goals

Discovery activities

People want a task-based logged-in homepage tailored to them.

Health care and disability are king.

Veterans care about anything they have in flight, whether that is education or other benefits.

Records and documents are a focus for Veterans.

The logged-in homepage needs to scale to support every phase of the Veteran lifecycle.

The existing "blue sky" prototype gets a lot of things right.

Veterans expect a mix of links and widgets to complete tasks from their homepage.

The homepage needs to be supported by a cohesive logged-in navigation.

Veterans want new information to be clear to them when they log in, and expect to receive new information through multiple channels.


Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago

Add some details about when/how MyVA will be retired. (part of an existing phase? A separate phase on its own?).

Awesome idea. This would be part of phase 1 with the launch of the new logged-in homepage. Will include this info for sure.

I think Benefits discovery will have to be part of phase one, so it would be good to add some specifics about what could be in scope for that phase.

Also a great idea. This, at minimum, needs to account of a user who has no benefits and no applications in flight, essentially a blank state. Otherwise, other discovery/improvements would take place later on.

Out of scope: Moving over "Find VA Benefits" functionality or content Would this be in scope for phase 3?

Yeah, I think revisiting this — whether it is a redesign of the feature or a more comprehensive first-time user experience — would be part of phase 3. We'd also likely look more closely at recommending things to people based on what we know about them, eg. "Since you have disability benefits, have you considered voc rehab/whether you need housing assistance/etc"

There aren't any specific recommendations about improving access to documents/records. What are your thoughts around that?

I actually think we have good access to this on the site already. No specific thoughts right now on how we'd improve this beyond making sure it's featured on the new logged-in homepage (and hopefully someday having access to people's DD214's online).

My goal is to start writing my sections tomorrow barring unforeseen things coming up. I'll send you draft 1 when I have it :D

andaleliz commented 4 years ago

Hey @Samara-Strauss ! Thanks for all the feedback. I've made most of the changes you suggested, and have a comments on a few items. Generally, one thing I should've clarified is that I see implications as walking a fine line between conclusions and recommendations. Although many of them do end up as actionable recommendation, I had included points I thought were interesting, and implied by the findings, even if I know they are not possible at this time, or actionable. It was my attempt to be thorough and true to the data. I still stayed true to the data, but updated the majority to be actionable so they're more useful to our audience.

As always, open to discussing any of this!

Specific comments:

“Using this pattern as a starting point would save design time and allow us to ramp up more quickly than if we start from scratch.” What do you mean by this? It sounds like you are saying we should just copy the design and implement as-is, but obviously this wouldn’t be possible.

I wasn't suggesting a literal copy-and-paste, but definitely saying using something along these Iines would speed things up. Knowing that we want a phased approach and can't jump into something like this, I've updated that implication to read: "Using this pattern could save design time as we roll out a more mature logged-in homepage."

OK, so this is on me, but I feel like maybe we’re using the term “widget” in a way we shouldn’t be. What I want to emphasize is that there needs to be a balance between personalized information (content blocks) we show right on the dashboard and linking to tools so the page doesn't become too cluttered. In truth, I don’t think we’ll have true widgets where you can complete tasks on the homepage in the MVP. Maybe in a future version, but not sure. What do you think of that? Do you also feel we need to de-emphasize the term “widget” in favor of something else?

The question of widgets vs links came from our research questions in the user study and comparative analysis, and the whole time I approached getting the answer to this through a lens of a widget being something that helps you complete a task, not something that just shows personalized information. Given that understanding, I think widget is appropriate, but I fear that I misunderstood the goal of this research question and perhaps the data we got doesn't align with what you were hoping to find out.

“straightforward tasks like refilling a prescription or scheduling an appointment” At the VA, I don’t know if these are actually straightforward and could ever be completed from the homepage.

I updated this to say "tasks Veterans perceive to be straightforward". They really did talk about these things as if they should be easy and simple.

The implications aren’t clear or actionable to me. IMO, the implication for this section is that we should only feature content for the most important tasks/benefits on this page, and link to other tasks and information. Not everything should have a content block.

I updated the implications I had to be more succinct and actionable, but am not getting quite the same implication you are from these particular findings. I feel only featuring content for the most important tasks and benefits is implied in the first, and maybe second, findings, whereas this one addresses more how users would go about actually doing it. I'm totally open to adding what you wrote to the implications if you still disagree.

Veterans want new information to be clear to them when they log in, and expect to receive new information through multiple channels.

I think we need to be more transparent here and mention that the main way people want to receive notifications is through email and text. People did want any updates to also be available to them when they log in, but this was secondary to receiving notifications outside of the site.

I updated this section to more clearly tell the story of what we saw in our user sessions. I didn't get that people necessarily want emails, it was more that it was their expectation based on previous/current experience with the VA. I do remember one participant saying texts were helpful but I don't recall texts coming up much in the sessions, and another said they preferred email to phone messages. Possible that I'm misremembering the frequency that texts came up though. Let me know if you want me to revisit the notes.

Are we recommending a separate Notification Center?

This is where the fine line is between implications and recommendations. Based on the research, I can't confidently recommend a separate notification center for this work. Participants didn't explicitly create one or go into details around what they'd expect there. Most of the people who sent me screenshots for our comparative analysis didn't have a lot of notifications so I wasn't able to evaluate that thoroughly. That being said, I definitely recommend it from a modern-UX perspective, and think Veterans would find it useful once they know it's there, but I don't think the findings imply that specifically.

Veterans are used to paper mail and calls from the VA, not emails. They are used to emails and texts from the private sector and seem to want that from the VA, too.

Multiple participants referred to getting emails about appointments and messages from their doctor, which is why I mentioned that in the finding. Again, I didn't get that it is what the necessarily want but it is more of an expectation.

I didn’t edit for grammar but noticed some minor issues. I am assuming we’re just working on getting the content right and not to worry about some of the finer details. Is that an accurate assumption?

Should all be good now. I did have this proofread ahead of time, but we must've missed some issues. I ran all of this through grammarly as well as triple checking so please let me know if you find anything else.

I would love if we could fit a screenshot of one of the user dashboards created during our research sessions into this doc for some visual interest, but not quite sure where. Let me know if you think that’s appropriate.

Love this idea, and also think it's a good way to clarify in-line notifications. See what you think about the screenshots I picked.

Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago

Hey @andaleliz! Here is my first pass at my sections. Let me know what you think!

I'll give your updates another read through hopefully tomorrow, but want to respond to your comments above first:

I've updated that implication to read: "Using this pattern could save design time as we roll out a more mature logged-in homepage."

Can we update to something like "Modeling after these patterns could save design time..." to make this a little clearer?

I approached getting the answer to this through a lens of a widget being something that helps you complete a task, not something that just shows personalized information. Given that understanding, I think widget is appropriate, but I fear that I misunderstood the goal of this research question and perhaps the data we got doesn't align with what you were hoping to find out.

I think you understood things just fine. To be clear, anything we show on the homepage will, at the very least, have a link to a more full flow/info. So, in that sense, everything will be actionable. But with regards to full task completion (eg. refilling a prescription) on the homepage itself, I am genuinely unsure when or if this will be possible. I just want to make sure we don't promise something we can't deliver on.

I updated this to say "tasks Veterans perceive to be straightforward".

Sounds good!

I updated the implications I had to be more succinct and actionable, but am not getting quite the same implication you are from these particular findings.

Let me go back and read through them again with your comments above in mind.

I updated this section to more clearly tell the story of what we saw in our user sessions. I didn't get that people necessarily want emails, it was more that it was their expectation based on previous/current experience with the VA. I do remember one participant saying texts were helpful but I don't recall texts coming up much in the sessions, and another said they preferred email to phone messages. Possible that I'm misremembering the frequency that texts came up though. Let me know if you want me to revisit the notes.

Hey, I'm sorry, I don't think I was clear with my original comment. I think I was worried we were painting on-site notifications as more important than they are and not being clear that this is secondary to meeting veterans where they are through email and text. I'll review your updates. It's probably fine, and sorry for my lack of clarity.

Based on the research, I can't confidently recommend a separate notification center for this work.

OK, thank you for letting me know. I mentioned it in my section of the write-up but I'll reconsider this.

Multiple participants referred to getting emails about appointments and messages from their doctor, which is why I mentioned that in the finding. Again, I didn't get that it is what the necessarily want but it is more of an expectation.

I'm sorry, you are totally right. I was thinking VA wide but they DO actually get email notifications from their doctors for secure messages and I think maybe prescription stuff through MyHealtheVet.

andaleliz commented 4 years ago

@Samara-Strauss, thank you! I will also spend time reviewing tomorrow, but wanted to share a couple of thoughts while they are fresh:

I just want to make sure we don't promise something we can't deliver on.

Will our audience feel we're promising something if we put it in the report as a finding, or implication? I can see people might have expectation that we'll act on all recommendations, but I think findings and implications are about more of stating facts and what we can reasonably conclude from those facts, rather than a plan of action.

OK, thank you for letting me know. I mentioned it in my section of the write-up but I'll reconsider this.

With regard to the notification center - I don't know that you need to reconsider this. Just my opinion, but I feel it's reasonable to include something in the recommendations that is informed by both the research AND our expertise in UX, AE, and personalization. I think notification center is something that will be valuable to users, and worth incorporating into a more mature AE. Perhaps the recommendation is that we know this will be useful, but will need to do some more specific research into this area before developing a detailed plan to add this to our experience.

Looking forward to reviewing in close detail tomorrow AM with my morning cup o' coffee :)

andaleliz commented 4 years ago

Good morning! You've outlined a really solid approach that feels manageable and reasonable. It makes me so excited to see where this goes! It doesn't sound like it would take that long for the first phase to roll out. So exciting!

Retiring My VA

​ That's the only bullet in the doc w/out a period at the end (from Phase 1, In Scope section)

Showing new data, or data in a different way (eg. could we should where a prescription is en route?).

​ I think you mean could we show instead of should?

And then a few other thoughts/questions. I'm fully behind this doc as-is, so please just take these as suggestions.

Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago

Will our audience feel we're promising something if we put it in the report as a finding, or implication?

Probably not. I might be being overly cautious. I just don't want to leave room for that misinterpretation. I think this probably can be solved by how we word things, so saying we want to "work towards" or "explore" XYZ instead of saying we "should do" XYZ if we're unsure about whether something might ever be possible.

Just my opinion, but I feel it's reasonable to include something in the recommendations that is informed by both the research AND our expertise in UX, AE, and personalization.

Great point. I'll plan to leave it in there for now and review to see whether I think additional clarification is needed in my sections.

Retiring My VA ​ That's the only bullet in the doc w/out a period at the end (from Phase 1, In Scope section)

Showing new data, or data in a different way (eg. could we should where a prescription is en route?). ​ I think you mean could we show instead of should?

Thank you for catching these. Fixed!

And then a few other thoughts/questions. I'm fully behind this doc as-is, so please just take these as suggestions.

There are great points here and I think they'd be easier to discuss on a call. I've reached out on Slack so let me know when you're available.

Lead with strong recommendations based on user insights, and analytics data, when sharing work.

Added mention of analytics to this bullet point.

Thanks again for all your hard work @andaleliz. This is one of the best things I've worked on here and I am so excited to see this work move forward with the foundation you've worked hard to set :D

andaleliz commented 4 years ago

saying we want to "work towards" or "explore" XYZ instead of saying we "should do" XYZ if we're unsure about whether something might ever be possible.

That makes so much sense. I'll look over what I've written and make updates along these lines as needed.

Thanks again for all your hard work @andaleliz. This is one of the best things I've worked on here and I am so excited to see this work move forward with the foundation you've worked hard to set :D

Where is the sob emoji?! This is such a nice thing to read, thank you. I'm on the same page - one of the best things I've worked on, anywhere. I'm glad you're excited and are happy with where we've gone with this discovery.

Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago

@andaleliz here are my latest edits for the readout. There was a lot, which is OK — we're at the point of fine-tuning and this is a long report, so please don't mistake this for me being unhappy with anything.

My goals in these edits were as follows:

Fortunately, since all edits were made in a Word doc as tracked changes, you can reject any ideas that you think are terrible! So give it a read and feel free to accept what you think makes the report better and reject things if they don't (or if I made something inaccurate by cutting it down too much).

Logged-in homepage discovery summary_SS edits.docx

Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago

@andaleliz my section of the readout is updated based on our convo before. I think it's SO much stronger now and I'm glad we decided to cut out the more detailed stuff that is really for me/the team. Let me know what you think.

andaleliz commented 4 years ago

YAS! @Samara-Strauss it IS so much stronger now. I have no edits or feedback other than this is awesome.

I also updated my portion. I included all of your edits, and updated each section to include recommendations instead of implications. I had to rephrase some things but the main points are all still there.

If you're good with my updates - is anything else we need to do before we can close this out?

Now that the phases are less pared down, I think that the outcome of the workshop won't really impact the content of this document (rather, it will be useful for the next round of planning).

Samara-Strauss commented 4 years ago

@andaleliz thanks! I'm glad the new stuff is stronger 😃

I also gave things one last read through and made some very minor updates. Otherwise, I think this looks awesome and we can call it done!!

🎉 🎉🎉

andaleliz commented 4 years ago

🎉 YAY! So exciting! But, this is definitely a little bittersweet. All of a sudden it feels like, "...that's everything?"

But, I know it ISN'T, and I can't wait to see where this goes! Also glad we have that workshop next week to wrap it all up. Closing this issue!