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[CAIA A11Y Research - PILOT]: Ask VA - TTS Pilot - Form (August 2024) #89028

Closed sara-amanda closed 1 month ago

sara-amanda commented 1 month ago


CAIA A11y Support

This is a child ticket of the research ticket 87480 - created to track work, completed from this TTS pilot session.

[!TIP] DEFINITION OF DONE: Refer to the task list in this ticket, for actionable items.

CAIA Assignee(s)

Toggle to view CAIA info - @coforma-jamie - @sara-amanda

Team Info

Toggle to view team info - Team name: Ask VA - OCTO-DE product owner: Becky Phung - Product manager: CeeCee O'Connor and Terri Hollar - Designer: Tyler Gindraux, Thomas Michaud - FE engineer: Eddie Otero, Hemesh Patel - Product/team Slack channel: #ask-va-public


Toggle to view the description **A CAIA a11y will participate as a user in a pilot of this research study.** - **Researcher**: The VFS team researcher will test their prototype and conversation guide by conducting the pilot session with a CAIA A11Y. - **User**: The CAIA A11Y team member will act as a real user in the pilot session. - **Assistive Tech**: The CAIA A11Y team member will follow the prompts given by the VFS Researcher, while using and demonstrating how the behavior of a `screen reader` would behave. ### Pilot Session - **Date:** 8/2/2024 from 3- 4 p.m. ET - MacOS Voice Command (the built-in voice tool on Mac) - **Prototype - Figma**: [Ask VA - Figma Prototype]( - **Prototype - Staging:** [Ask VA - Staging Link]( - `To be used in testing, per conversation guide.` - **[Research Convo Guide](** - **[Research Plan](**

Assistive Tech Options


  • Available AT: Screen readers on a desktop device is currently the primary source of AT that CAIA A11ys are able to support, in addition to screen magnification for user research sessions.
  • Additional Specifications: If there is a particular test user, browser or operating system you would like us to use, please let us know in advance via this ticket's comments, tagging the assignee - or reach out to @coforma-terry in the CAIA Slack Channel: #sitewide-content-accessibility-ia

12 Veterans:

Recruitment Criteria

Toggle to view recruitment criteria - "We'd like to recruit people who use a mix of different screen readers, such as, [NVDA, JAWS, VoiceOver (Apple) and Talkback (Android)](" - **Source:** [Cohort 1: Screen Reader Users, Recruitment Criteria Ask VA, Research Plan]( - "We'd like to recruit people who use a mix of [switch systems, Dragon, Voice Control (Apple), One-handed keyboards, a head mouse, or a sip and puff device](" - **Source:** [Cohort 2: Alternative Navigation Users, Recruitment Criteria Ask VA, Research Plan]( - "We'd like to recruit people who use a mix of different screen magnification software, such as, [ZoomText, ZoomText Fusion, Magnifier (Windows) and Zoom (Apple)](" - **Source:** [Cohort 3: Screen Magnification Users, Recruitment Criteria Ask VA, Research Plan](

Definition of Done

### A11y Tasks
- [x] **Schedule CAIA a11y:** Jamie
- [x] **Share link to [Assistive Tech Pilot Guide]( with team, if they haven't reviewed it yet**
- [x] **Determine date and time for pilot:** 8/2/2024 at 3 p.m. ET
- [x] **Update CAIA A11y Capacity Calendar:** Add invite for pilot, when scheduled
- [ ] **Review research** [conversation guide]( and provide feedback in comments.
- [x] [Request AT device and tech to be used in sessions](
- [x] [Receive AT device and tech from Team in research ticket](LINK) to be used in sessions to prep for pilot - _**CAIA and the team will determine what AT will be used in this session, specifically.**_ `MacOS Voice Command (the built-in voice tool on Mac)`
- [ ] **Review prototype** in `Staging` - `Provided via convo guide`: [Staging Link](
- [ ] **Run pilot** with VFS Researcher
- [ ] **Optional: Note Taking:** If there is only one a11y, notes cannot be taken due to pilot participation. [Pilot Notes Doc](
sara-amanda commented 1 month ago

CAIA does not have Dragon - so MacOS Voice Command will be utilized.

coforma-jamie commented 1 month ago


You can also review our full notes and reference our Slack conversation.

cc @tygindraux