As the Managers and Developers of the Platform,
We need to define and implement Integration Best Practices,
So that the Services integration is done consistently going forward.
Issue Description
We need an MVP list of the upstream services that Vets API calls out to. There is some existing documentation and diagrams around this, but they're pretty stale and outdated. We should comb through the various sources of truth to determine an up to date list. This includes the fwdproxy, Vets API code, existing topology graphs, documentation, etc. This task could be a combined effort for Devops and Backend engineers.
Please refer to this document for VSP Downstream Map and this for External Integrations.
Please refer to this document for External Service Integrations information. We may be combining efforts with Platform Security, and they have listed this information as what they are collecting in a priority schedule.
[ ] Define and document best practices around integration with external services
[ ] Have the best practices around integration with external services reviewed internally, before delivering to the OCTO PO.
[ ] Share the best practices standards with other Platform teams.
Success Metrics
There is an established best practices method for integration with external services that can be shared with other Platform teams.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] That there is established and adopted best practices for integration across the VA Platform.
[ ] That the list is completed and shared with leadership and the OCTO PO, and with other Platform teams.
Assignee to add steps to this section. List the actions that need to be taken to confirm this issue is complete. Include any necessary links or context. State the expected outcome.
User Story
As the Managers and Developers of the Platform, We need to define and implement Integration Best Practices, So that the Services integration is done consistently going forward.
Issue Description
We need an MVP list of the upstream services that Vets API calls out to. There is some existing documentation and diagrams around this, but they're pretty stale and outdated. We should comb through the various sources of truth to determine an up to date list. This includes the fwdproxy, Vets API code, existing topology graphs, documentation, etc. This task could be a combined effort for Devops and Backend engineers.
Please refer to this document for VSP Downstream Map and this for External Integrations.
Please refer to this document for External Service Integrations information. We may be combining efforts with Platform Security, and they have listed this information as what they are collecting in a priority schedule.
Success Metrics
There is an established best practices method for integration with external services that can be shared with other Platform teams.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] That the list is completed and shared with leadership and the OCTO PO, and with other Platform teams.
Assignee to add steps to this section. List the actions that need to be taken to confirm this issue is complete. Include any necessary links or context. State the expected outcome.