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Require mobile web designs at DI and MPR, and user flow at MPR #89243

Open shiragoodman opened 1 month ago

shiragoodman commented 1 month ago

User Story

As a Governance team member supporting the Collaboration Cycle, I want VFS teams to prioritize mobile web designs at the DI and MPR so that I can review the their product and give them helpful feedback.

As a Governance team member supporting the Collaboration Cycle, I want VFS teams to share their user flows at Midpoint Review, so that I can verify changes in flow from the DI, or so that I can see their intended flow if they skipped DI.

Assignee: @briandeconinck Peer Reviewer: @erinrwhite


Governance team still sees many VFS teams come to DI and/or MPR with desktop designs only. While this is helpful, and better than no design at all, desktop designs don't allow Governance to fully test and/or understand the product. When VFS teams design for mobile first (instead of web first) they're solving for the problem in limited space, and are solving for accessibility concerns that don't exist in desktop. Also, mobile web traffic has grown significantly. We know that many of our veterans are accessing via their mobile device vs. their computer.

Mobile first is important bc smartphones ~ 400% zoom, also designing for low vision users. Sometimes teams will take desktop features not available on mobile. Younger, blind veterans don't have desktop typically. Can do everything on mobile.

Because of all of the above, Governance will begin requiring VFS teams to share mobile web designs at DI and MPR.

In addition, we will also begin to ask VFS teams to share an up-to-date user flow at Midpoint Review. We do currently require a user flow at Design Intent. Of the 38 Midpoint Review's that have occurred so far in 2024 (as of 8/29), 13 of them did not have a Design Intent. This means that Governance potentially did not see a user flow for 13 of those products, making it more difficult for us to understand the products purpose and intentions. It is also possible that VFS teams skip DI intentionally and go straight to MPR because of the laxed requirements.

Impacted Artifacts

Live pages


Peer Review

To be completed by peer reviewer

Acceptance Criteria

Team Notification

How to prepare this issue


erinrwhite commented 4 days ago

Refined this ticket a little, making drafts of Platform website pages and code blocks @briandeconinck I definitely just realized this is your ticket, so will let you proceed. I filled out the tasks though!