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Implement verify sign-in widget on suppy reorder page #89275

Open wesrowe opened 1 month ago

wesrowe commented 1 month ago


User story

As a Veteran, I want to know I need to be signed in before accessing the supply reorder form accessible from the suppy reorder page.


Possible tasks:

Acceptance criteria

### Tasks
- [ ] UX: Design and style alerts in Figma
- [ ] Dev: Implement alert(s) as a static page widget
- [ ] Test alert(s) in a static page.
wesrowe commented 1 month ago

@carlosfelix2 @LynneJohnson224 – FYSA it would be nice to let stakeholders know when this widget gets implemented in prod. That might not happen till after the CAIA steps.

Patrick knows the stakeholders and could probably handle the notification.

carlosfelix2 commented 3 weeks ago

Figma link to the alerts.

carlosfelix2 commented 3 weeks ago

BLOCKED: Waiting on approval of dompurify. Will submit write up 8/22/24.