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Business intake form for [Transition Experience] #89312

Open YevgenyDreyband opened 1 month ago

YevgenyDreyband commented 1 month ago

Your Details

  1. Yevgeny Dreyband ​
  2. Business Line VES / Veteran Experience Services ​

    Notification Details

  3. Notification type Email ​
  4. Please describe your use case. We are creating a questionnaire where Veterans can learn about benefits they may be eligible for based on criteria they submit. As part of our design we intend for the results page to be saved through a persistent URL as well as "email these results to me" (likely link to same page) ​
  5. What actions can the user take based on the notification they receive? They will either receive the results as an email, or receive a link to their saved results page. ​
  6. What is the desired business outcome? Increasing rates of Veterans applying for benefits through the use of our new VA transition onboarding experience. ​
  7. What system will kick off the notification? Please note the system should be inside the VA or have an ATO. Not sure ​
  8. What will trigger the notification? On the results page of the Transition Experience, there is an "email my results" button ​
  9. Provide sample content per notification type, if you have it. N/A Will need to work with the team to craft appropriate messaging ​
  10. Has a Privacy Officer (PO) seen and approved the content? If not, do you know who your PO is? No, this is an early engagement for this team ​
  11. Would you prefer to provide contact information for the recipients or would you rather VA Notify look this up for you by Veteran ID? If by ID, please let us know what identifier is used in your system. Our tool is unauthenticated, and should not need either. A person without a VA account should be able to receive their results through manually provided email address. ​
  12. Do you currently capture communication preferences related to this notification? If so, please describe. Not yet, although we may add a text option in the future. ​
  13. What is the anticipated volume of notifications per day, week, month? TBD, this is a first product launch (target September) ​
  14. When does this notification need to be in production? Ideally September 2024, but realistically Nov/Dec 2024.
GitSamJennings commented 1 month ago

Hi @YevgenyDreyband, as you are starting this process, feel free to review the following reference items ask any questions you may have here!

Please let us know when you'd like us to set an initial call to talk through your specific use case with you and your team. If you could also provide a list of folks from your side that will need access to the VA Notify Portal, we can go ahead and get a new Service spun up and get you all added to it, so you can see what it's all about.

YevgenyDreyband commented 2 weeks ago

@kbelikova-oddball thanks for the update. I haven't seen the calendar invite yet but I'll keep an eye out for it. We've also started a conversation with the VFS-Analytics team in Slack to make sure we're covering all bases around metrics/analytics for this product. @nkontrabecki for visibility.

kbelikova-oddball commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @YevgenyDreyband ! My apologies for the confusion. My previous comment was added by my mistake (that meeting attributes to another team).

mjones-oddball commented 2 weeks ago

@YevgenyDreyband circling back here - would you like to schedule a kick off meeting? Next week is a little packed since it's a short one, but we can get something on the schedule for the week of 9/9 if you provide some dates and times that work for you and your team. CC @GitSamJennings @kbelikova-oddball