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Rerecord accessibility orientation video #89424

Open briandeconinck opened 1 month ago

briandeconinck commented 1 month ago

User Story

As a Platform team member supporting Platform Orientation, I want to make sure orientation materials are up to date so that VFS teams are learning our current processes.

Assignee: @briandeconinck Peer Reviewer: @it-harrison


In a recent review of orientation materials, it was noted that the accessibility orientation video is not up to date. Per @briandeconinck, "Notes: Couple of times when I refer to things that are "coming soon" -- new Experience Standards, enforcing WCAG 2.2, etc. Plus it would be good to highlight some of the newer accessibility guidance now available, like Jeana's spectacular documentation on accessibility annotations"

The purpose of this ticket is to rerecord the accessibilty Orientation video, ensure it is transcribed correctly, upload to YouTube and ensure the link on Platform Website Orientation Sessions page has been updated.

Please be sure to reference the guidance Brian put together on recording accessible videos.

Impacted Artifacts


Peer Review

To be completed by peer reviewer

Acceptance Criteria

Team Notification

How to prepare this issue


allison0034 commented 2 weeks ago

@briandeconinck I went ahead and updated PW orientation page (should publish today) with the new design and research recordings. You can use my draft page if you want. Or create a new draft of your own, but please make sure there are 3 links for design orientation.

briandeconinck commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you @allison0034!

I should also give a status update for this ticket: Re-recorded on Friday, working on cleaning up the transcript today and tomorrow. Hoping to finish the work during this sprint but peer review may carry over into the next one.

briandeconinck commented 2 weeks ago

Noting here that this is definitely carrying over to the next sprint. Busy week for staging reviews, haven't been able to carve out time for the transcript.

briandeconinck commented 4 days ago

Carrying over into another sprint one last time. Transcript almost done, but got pushed back for other priorities (launching new QA standard, Collab Cycle reviews).