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Confirm mitigation of failed claims #89578

Open steele-lm opened 1 month ago

steele-lm commented 1 month ago

Issue Description

_We recently discovered 6 claims that "resulted in failed" state since January 2024 and require manual intervention to submit and process successfully._

Date payload.uuid @payload.claim_id Notes
2024-07-29T21:19:56.050Z 4e211ee5-b9c3-40bd-ae32-b2530c88e748 9418101 Invalid character in name, metadata validator should have caught this
2024-07-22T16:49:11.934Z b68f6d0c-7c7a-4bf6-8d86-1ba93aa3d6c0 9418101 Invalid character in name, metadata validator should have caught this
2024-06-21T14:25:11.727Z 61cd713e-58d7-414e-90f3-a7b7a2dfe6ba 9224663 Attachment page too large
2024-05-30T15:52:27.006Z 9c397fc1-ec1a-4199-a18b-71bacb430580 9091673 Attachment page too large
2024-05-30T13:24:39.728Z 25f8e830-2be6-431d-b22d-09e03ff701cf 9090483 Attachment page too large
2024-05-30T03:42:22.502Z 0de8d85e-ce5d-4e56-80a4-e0d7e07d2100 9089383 Attachment page too large
2024-05-24T19:54:05.201Z ea1e383e-4b73-4861-a1fd-0ec097327881 9061565 Resolved, is now in VBMS
2024-09-12T04:02:26.435644Z 8eb8ba1f-2a55-4158-bcca-4b2789013200 Attachment page too large


Acceptance Criteria

evansmith commented 1 month ago

9418101 was resubmitted successfully

steele-lm commented 1 month ago

Thomas to sync with Sam Stucky to decide how to remediate remaining claims. They all include pdfs that are too large.

steele-lm commented 3 days ago

Kyle Soskin is leading an effort to determine a comprehensive approach to preventing and mitigating claims that include uploads with pages that are too large to submit.