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[FE] SPIKE - discover all the possible values for the 'kind' field #89876

Closed brianseek closed 1 month ago

brianseek commented 1 month ago


We are using the kind field to determine appointment modality for upcoming appointments from VAOS. Get with Simi or someone on the appointments team to see if we can get a list of expected values. Once we have that list, compare with the proposed designs of appointment modality types.


Acceptance Criteria

Code Review Steps

loripusey commented 1 month ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @brianseek @wullaski

loripusey commented 1 month ago

@wullaski @brianseek please estimate

brianseek commented 1 month ago

In the kind field in the VAOS payload there are only 4 possible values:



brianseek commented 1 month ago

@zach-park / @benbrasso-agile6 See my comment above. This limits what we can do for modalities in upcoming appointments. I'll bring it up as a PL tomorrow too.

benbrasso-agile6 commented 1 month ago

Maybe async help with the mapping from the larger list of appt types that are available through various systems via VAOS Backend service:

brianseek commented 1 month ago

I think the 4 types are our limitation for now. If we can use another service, that will be another phase type of thing.

benbrasso-agile6 commented 1 month ago

Right, but what’s the mapping?

We just assume that means:

clinic = VA in-person Telehealth = ?? Cc = community care Phone = phone

and the rest we won’t ever retrieve? Just need some validation is all.

brianseek commented 1 month ago

ah I see, yes you have it correct and telehealth is defined as "A virtual appointment" so we will just need the design to be generic enough for that.

benbrasso-agile6 commented 1 month ago

K cool

benbrasso-agile6 commented 1 month ago

I guess we need to make them all generic enough since we won't know which type of in-person either. Eh, we'll give it a whirl on the design side.

brianseek commented 1 month ago

we can chat in a PL tomorrow and get some backend input too. We may have a path to knowing more in the next phase but for this phase we don't

loripusey commented 1 month ago

but there must be a way to further determine if the "clinic" appointment is a face-to-face or VA video appointment; can we ask that question?

benbrasso-agile6 commented 1 month ago

That was sort of my point; the full authenticated experience is able to categorize appts down to:

VA in-person VA in-person vaccine VVC VVC at VA facility VVC on GFE VVC at ATLAS facility Phone Community care Claim exam appointment

But, I think it's because we're not using the same backend services. I'm sure Brian will clear it up.

loripusey commented 1 month ago

What about Brad's new API tool where we supply stop codes and it tells us the modality? Can we use that if we don't have access to the data another way?

brianseek commented 1 month ago

this is all the stuff that I want to talk about in the PL with backend too. We just need to wrap our understanding around the effort here.

brianseek commented 1 month ago

Peter provided this, which is extremely useful:

benbrasso-agile6 commented 1 month ago

Ooooh, nice. That's helpful.

brianseek commented 1 month ago

moving this to closed, we determined the values for kind and how to ID the remaining modalities. The work is now shifting to the backend to see practical examples of those in a a payload to be able to map the expected values