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Analytics edge case KPI dashboard request for [After-visit summary] #90044

Open ninaranusavice opened 1 month ago

ninaranusavice commented 1 month ago

Request an Edge Case KPI Dashboard

What this form is for

We are requesting a change to the MVH CSAT DOMO dashboard and have a sub-directory added for the After-visit summary (AVS) on MHV on product.

Expected delivery timelines

As soon as possible-the AVS is projected to launch on August 12, 2024.

Instructions for the VFS team

In order to pull the correct data for your product, we need your help to define what pages and events to include, in addition to basic product info. For edge cases, we also ask for product outlines or other resources that will help us understand success for your product and define metrics:

VFS-provided information

Product questions

Help us understand your product better by answering the following questions:

  1. What does your team consider a completed task?
    • Answering all questions and clicking submit button.
  2. Who is your product's main user base?
    • Veterans
  3. Why does your product require an edge case?
    • AVS will only be displayed to a select few Veterans and will be used to ascertain whether the AVS is ready to be displayed to a larger audience of Veterans.
  4. Does this product currently have a Domo dashboard? If yes please add link.
    • No, we would like the AVS to be a sub-directory in the MHV CSAT dashboard.

Product resources

Add links to product outlines, feature information, or any other resources you think would help us better understand your product and OKRs below. Feel free to also type background information into this section directly. The more context you're able to provide, the fewer questions we'll need to ask you before getting started!

Additional info

johnny-jesensky-adhoc commented 1 month ago

Hi @ninaranusavice -- thank you for meeting with us earlier in the week, and for submitting this ticket.

We'll plan to review, and let you know if we have any questions, and when we might be able to get to prioritizing this.

FYI @ChristineYoungZA, @Blivaditis

Blivaditis commented 1 month ago

Noting for reference: This will likely be an Update request adding new AVS cards to the current MHV dashboard.