Blocked until End of August - pending Mulesoft deploy to staging
Now that the OAuth2.0 has been implemented in the Dev environment, and manual testing has validated the flow in Postman, we need to validate the vets-api code.
Additional code changes may be needed once additional validation can be done with the Mulesoft team.
Helpful info for OAuth 2.0 Client Credential flow with Okta is here
[ ] Confirm Stating environment is ready for end-to-end testing with Mulesoft
This is on hold until after 8/20, as per Ramakrishna Ravirala.
SI (DEV/QA) or DTC-I team (Stage/Prod) will create the application through AnyPoint Exchange for the API which is requested access by the consumer (
DTC-I team will provide us the auth server URL, Client Id, and Client Secret in an encrypted email.
[ ] Add the credentials above to AWS Parameter Store with a Platform support ticket
[ ] Coordinate with Mulesoft team to complete end-to-end testing
[ ] Determine if additional code changes are needed to ensure successful testing
[ ] Validate results with PM for signoff
[ ] Signoff is documented within the comments of this ticket
Acceptance Criteria
End-to-end Staging testing of OAuth2.0 is completed successfully to the satisfaction of CG stakeholders and team, and we are ready to begin coordination of production launch
Blocked until End of August - pending Mulesoft deploy to staging
Now that the OAuth2.0 has been implemented in the Dev environment, and manual testing has validated the flow in Postman, we need to validate the vets-api code. Additional code changes may be needed once additional validation can be done with the Mulesoft team.
Acceptance Criteria