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[BE] SPIKE - get examples of appointment modalities in a stage payload and map the expected values #90911

Open benbrasso-agile6 opened 3 weeks ago

benbrasso-agile6 commented 3 weeks ago


There are a few fields in conjunction with the kind field that determines appointment modality. We think that everything is coming back in the v1 VAOS endpoints. See this reference doc. This ticket is to work with appointments to see what these appointments look like on stage, so we can send the fields to the frontend.

See this thread


Acceptance Criteria

Code Review Steps

loripusey commented 3 weeks ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @randomsync @kanchanasuriya

brianseek commented 3 weeks ago

This ticket title and description is not right. We have done this work, I will update it to make sense.

brianseek commented 3 weeks ago

This ticket title and description is not right. We have done this work, I will update it to make sense.

Updated the title and description.

kanchanasuriya commented 2 weeks ago

Phone Appointment Payload

      "id": "8b3582e7576e26efddafc19560d1e3b3de1e2cb9a0cf52022436057e782a7391",
      "identifier": [
          "system": "Appointment/",
          "value": "523938333137353734"
          "value": "983:17574"
      "kind": "phone",
      "status": "proposed",
      "serviceType": "amputation",
      "serviceTypes": [
          "coding": [
              "code": "amputation"
      "serviceCategory": [
          "coding": [
              "code": "REGULAR",
              "display": "REGULAR"
          "text": "REGULAR"
      "reasonCode": {
        "text": "station id: 983GD|preferred modality: TELEPHONE|phone number: 2011001000|email:|preferred dates:08/20/2024 PM|reason code:OTHER_REASON|comments:This is a request comment test 8/12 - LD "
      "patientIcn": "1013120787V412913",
      "locationId": "983GD",
      "start": "2024-08-20T00:00:00Z",
      "minutesDuration": 0,
      "created": "2024-08-13T00:41:04Z",
      "requestedPeriods": [
          "start": "2024-08-20T00:00:00Z",
          "end": "2024-08-20T00:00:00Z"
      "cancellable": true,
      "extension": {
        "ccLocation": {
          "address": {}
kanchanasuriya commented 2 weeks ago

Community Care Appointment Payload

      "id": "e1f3e202d3a0614a043f2bb34205d3885e32a588536389d9eeddd63d63b14087",
      "identifier": [
          "value": "16820"
      "kind": "cc",
      "status": "fulfilled",
      "serviceType": "foodAndNutrition",
      "serviceTypes": [
          "text": "foodAndNutrition"
      "reasonCode": {
        "text": "test data for VAOSR-8434 - 1"
      "patientIcn": "1013120787V412913",
      "locationId": "984",
      "created": "2024-08-07T15:21:00Z",
      "requestedPeriods": [
          "start": "2024-08-27T16:00:00Z"
      "contact": {
        "telecom": [
            "type": "phone",
            "value": "8013239812"
            "type": "email",
      "preferredTimesForPhoneCall": [
      "preferredLocation": {
        "city": "Naknek",
        "state": "AK"
      "preferredLanguage": "Chinese",
      "cancellable": true,
      "extension": {
        "ccLocation": {
          "address": {}
        "ccRequestedCancellation": false,
        "hsrmTaskId": "16820"
kanchanasuriya commented 2 weeks ago

Clinic Appointment Payload

      "id": "b42005fad91b718dca9f62cd7fb4e186f38c5de7b2a7b1ae5f73ad5df1bc6535",
      "identifier": [
          "system": "Appointment/",
          "value": "413938333134303333"
          "value": "983:14033"
      "kind": "clinic",
      "status": "booked",
      "serviceType": "moveProgram",
      "serviceTypes": [
          "coding": [
              "code": "moveProgram"
      "serviceCategory": [
          "coding": [
              "code": "REGULAR",
              "display": "REGULAR"
          "text": "REGULAR"
      "patientIcn": "1013120787V412913",
      "locationId": "983",
      "clinic": "1111",
      "start": "2024-08-23T16:00:00Z",
      "end": "2024-08-23T16:30:00Z",
      "minutesDuration": 30,
      "slot": {
        "id": "3230323430383233313630303A323032343038323331363330",
        "start": "2024-08-23T16:00:00Z",
        "end": "2024-08-23T16:30:00Z"
      "created": "2024-08-09T00:00:00Z",
      "cancellable": true,
      "extension": {
        "ccLocation": {
          "address": {}
        "vistaStatus": [
          "NO ACTION TAKEN"
        "preCheckinAllowed": false,
        "eCheckinAllowed": false,
        "clinic": {
          "physicalLocation": "CHEY",
          "phoneNumber": "723434",
          "phoneNumberExtension": "7345"
loripusey commented 1 week ago

@kanchanasuriya can this be closed?

kanchanasuriya commented 1 week ago

We didn't get a response from appointments team from Thursday, Lori. Will reach out to them again today & see if it is possible to get the data today to close this task.

kanchanasuriya commented 3 days ago

Atlas Appointment Payload

            "id": "0fbc293324755816b690f11eab25c827b5e4fbea375ac06e8e9694205f95590e",
            "identifier": [
                    "system": "",
                    "value": "5c21ee08-7bc9-4cc3-b557-0fc543c40148"
            "kind": "telehealth",
            "status": "booked",
            "patientIcn": "1013124304V115761",
            "locationId": "983",
            "practitioners": [
                    "identifier": [
                            "system": "dfn-983",
                            "value": "520647710"
                    "name": {
                        "family": "Poldass",
                        "given": [
                    "practiceName": "Cheyenne VA Medical Center"
            "start": "2024-12-01T15:00:00Z",
            "end": "2024-12-01T15:30:00Z",
            "minutesDuration": 30,
            "created": "2024-03-01T18:52:19.23Z",
            "comment": "Testing ATLAS appt for VAOS team (Marcy)",
            "cancellable": true,
            "patientInstruction": "Medication Review\n\nAs part of your video visit, your provider will review all the medications, vitamins, herbs, and supplements you are taking\n(even items you get from a local store, another provider, or another VA clinic). Please have information about everything you\ntake available during the visit. Informing your provider about all these will help you get the best and safest care possible.\nRemember, it is your medications, your life. Play it safe by reviewing all your medications with your health care team.\n",
            "telehealth": {
                "url": "",
                "atlas": {
                    "siteCode": "VFW-DC-20011-02",
                    "confirmationCode": "075041",
                    "address": {
                        "streetAddress": "5929 Georgia Ave NW",
                        "city": "Washington",
                        "state": "DC",
                        "zipCode": "20011",
                        "country": "USA",
                        "latitutde": 38.961979,
                        "longitude": -77.027908,
                        "additionalDetails": ""
                "group": false,
                "vvsKind": "ADHOC"
            "extension": {
                "ccLocation": {
                    "address": {}
                "vistaStatus": [],
                "patientHasMobileGfe": false
kanchanasuriya commented 3 days ago

Video Appointment Payload

"id": "78355d9ddc15c539da9dcb6aa452f2f50ebc19b1a83b47796d89563a4795f8cd",
"identifier": [
"system": "",
"value": "0703f6b2-a033-489a-bf54-1162e6f3019d"
"kind": "telehealth",
"status": "booked",
"patientIcn": "1013125218V696863",
"locationId": "983",
"practitioners": [
"identifier": [
"system": "dfn-983",
"value": "520647923"
"name": {
"family": "GONZALEZ",
"given": [
"practiceName": "Cheyenne VA Medical Center"
"start": "2024-09-06T14:00:00Z",
"end": "2024-09-06T14:20:00Z",
"minutesDuration": 20,
"created": "2024-09-03T14:58:22.623Z",
"cancellable": true,
"patientInstruction": "Video Visit Preparation\n\nThe Virtual Medical Room platform is simple to use and will only require an\napplication download for Apple and Android tablets or phones. Other devices will NOT require any software/application\ndownload. Because we want you to have the best possible video experience, we suggest the following:\n\nConnect to your video appointment from a location that is quiet, private, and well lit.\nMake sure to have a strong internet connection.\nIf using a cell phone, use a Wi-Fi connection so your data plan is not used.\nTo use a Virtual Medical Room, home devices must have a webcam and microphone. External cameras\nand microphones may be used if your device does not have a built-in camera or microphone.\nIf you will be using an iPad or iPhone, download the required iOS app in advance: VideoConnect.\nYou can connect to your Virtual Medical Room through the VA Video Appointment App using the link in your appointment\nconfirmation email.\n",
"telehealth": {
"url": "",
"group": true,
"vvsKind": "ADHOC"
"extension": {
"ccLocation": {
"address": {}
"vistaStatus": [],
"patientHasMobileGfe": false