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Add Platform Website Orientation and Platform Support Overview videos to Orientation Sessions page #91268

Closed shiragoodman closed 3 days ago

shiragoodman commented 3 weeks ago

User Story

As a VFS team member, I want to be able to find all of the orientation session videos in 1 place so that I can quickly and easily become oriented with the Platform.

As a Governance team member who manages the Platform Orientation materials, I want to add all of the orientation videos to the Orientation Sessions page so that it's easier to maintain and keep up to date.

Assignee: @KKitagawa-Bosch Peer Reviewer: @erinrwhite


Since the launch of the Platform Orientation process, we have added a couple new orientation videos: Platform Website Orientation and Platform Support Overview. For reasons unknown, these videos have been directly linked to in the New VFS Team Member github template, instead of added to the Orientation Sessions page where the other orientation videos are accessed.

The purpose of this ticket is to add the Platform Website Overview video and the Platform Website Orientation video to the Orientation Sessions page. The benefit of this is that 1) all orientation videos are now maintained in the same space, 2) VFS teams who access the Orientation Sessions page but do not open a New VFS Team Member ticket will be able to view them, 3) the New VFS Team Member ticket will no longer need to be updated if/when the videos are updated, meaning older tickets will always point to the most up to date videos.

Note: This ticket will only cover adding the 2 videos to Platform Website, not updating the New VFS Team Member ticket to link to the Orientation Sessions page instead of directly to the videos. That work will take place in ticket #91263.

Impacted Artifacts

Live pages

Drafted pages


Peer Review

To be completed by peer reviewer

Acceptance Criteria

Team Notification

How to prepare this issue


shiragoodman commented 3 weeks ago

@jknipes @alyssagallion as PMs of the 2 teams who own these videos, I wanted to let you know that we're moving them out of the ticket and onto the Orientation Sessions page. Please lmk if you have any questions!

KKitagawa-Bosch commented 1 week ago

@erinrwhite drafted pages for operational guidance and orientation sessions are added to the ticket and linked here.

I added the new info to both draft pages and it's ready for you to look over. One question: any strong feelings about what order they should be in? Are they alright where they're at?

Additionally, the ticket says to add the videos to the operational guidance page, but the other sessions don't have the video links, any ideas there? Just wanna make sure I get it right!

erinrwhite commented 1 week ago

@KKitagawa-Bosch I think the placement/order of info is looking good!

For the operational guidance, it kinda makes sense that none of the videos are linked, and that there's a link at the top of the page to the Platform orientation sessions page. So, for the operational guidance I would match the format of the other orientations and not add direct links to the videos - just the info about the videos.

KKitagawa-Bosch commented 1 week ago

Fantastic! In that case, are we good to publish these Monday? @erinrwhite

erinrwhite commented 1 week ago

@KKitagawa-Bosch yes! 👍🏻

KKitagawa-Bosch commented 5 days ago

Confluence updated for both Orientation Sessions and Operational Guidance @erinrwhite

erinrwhite commented 5 days ago

@KKitagawa-Bosch looking good! Will check again this afternoon to make sure the platform website published.

erinrwhite commented 5 days ago

Page live on the Platform website! Looking good to close; boxes checked. @KKitagawa-Bosch