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Document CAIA process for Governance visibility #91462

Open shiragoodman opened 3 weeks ago

shiragoodman commented 3 weeks ago

User Story

As a Governance team member, I want to be aware of when a VFS team is working with CAIA or not so that I know how to handle any upcoming touchpoints with the VFS team.

Assignee: @allison0034 Peer Reviewer: @KKitagawa-Bosch


Governance has received guidance from CAIA on how they will inform us if they are working with a VFS team for a particular Collaboration Cycle initiative or not. Please see below:

Sitewide-CAIA label pulls CC Request tickets into CAIA board CAIA reviews CC Request swimlane weekly with Danielle If CAIA needs to be involved, CAIA will link the CC Request to existing product EPIC on our board (if there's no existing product EPIC, we create one) CAIA will add CAIA-Collab label to CC intake and remove Sitewide-CAIA label so they no longer appear on our board (that way we mark which intakes we're involved with, but our CC Request swimlane doesn't overflow with intakes) For CC Requests that don't need CAIA involvement, we just remove the Sitewide-CAIA label Proceed as usual, schedule kickoff if necessary, etc.

The above process needs to be documented and made visible to Governance team for their awareness. The purpose of this ticket is to document the process and determine where in the Collaboration Cycle guidance/documentation this process should live.

In addition, this ticket will also determine if this process, or aspects of it, should be documented elsewhere for greater visibility with OCTO-DE and VFS teams. Please document your recommendations for Governance team to review.

Impacted Artifacts

Live pages

Drafted pages


Peer Review

To be completed by peer reviewer

Acceptance Criteria

Team Notification

How to prepare this issue


allison0034 commented 6 days ago

This will move into the next sprint. My priorities were moved to an MVP for the new po sync