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Staging Review finding: Error message not announced to screen reader users #91803

Closed shiragoodman closed 5 days ago

shiragoodman commented 2 weeks ago

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Product Information

Team: Modernized Check-in Product: eCheck-in Feature: Mileage-only Travel Claim Submissions for VA Facilities that use Oracle Health EHR Software

Findings details Experience Standard - issue: User doesn't have enough information to complete a task. Experience Standard - category: Comprehension Launch-blocking: Yes Design System review: No Collab Cycle Reviewer: @briandeconinck (Accessibility)


On appointment-travel-claim/travel-review, if you click "File claim" without checking the "I confirm" checkbox, you get an inline error message on the checkbox, "You must accept the beneficiary travel agreement before continuing."

However, this error message isn't currently announced to screen reader users. If a screen reader user attempts to file without checking the box, nothing is announced. Without any visual cues, you've got to guess what happened. Did it work? Was there an error? Is this page just broken? etc.

Link, screenshot or steps to recreate !["Beneficiary travel agreement" section, with an error message appearing inline with the checkbox confirming your agreement. The "File claim" and "Start over" buttons are just below this section, with a keyboard focus indicator visible around the "File claim" button.]( Steps to reproduce: 1. Use a test user to navigate through the travel claim flow until you reach the review page. 2. Activate a screen reader (easiest for testing with VoiceOver on Mac or NVDA on Windows). 3. Press [tab] until "File claim" has focus, and press [enter]. 4. Observe that nothing is announced to the user.

Recommended action

In the forms library when an inline error is triggered, keyboard focus is sent to the input that has the error. This ensures that the input, its state, and the error message are immediately announced to screen reader users, and puts keyboard focus in an actionable place to resolve the error. It would be great to match that behavior.


Next Steps for the VFS Team

loripusey commented 2 weeks ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @brianseek @wullaski

wullaski commented 1 week ago

@loripusey this has been fixed and can be closed.