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Staging Review finding: Success message not announced to screen reader users #91820

Open shiragoodman opened 2 weeks ago

shiragoodman commented 2 weeks ago

Value Proposition

As a veteran who uses a screen reader to navigate CST, I want my screen reader to read the success message when I successfully submit a waiver, so that I know my action was completed successfully.

Need help? Please review how to read a Staging Review ticket. Tag @platform-governance-team-members on Slack if you need further assistance.

Product Information

Team: Benefits Management Tools Product: Claim Status Tool Feature: Improved 5103 requests and waiver experience

Findings details Experience Standard - issue: User encounters content that doesn't match other content on Experience Standard - category: Consistency Launch-blocking: No Design System review: No Collab Cycle Reviewer: @briandeconinck (Accessibility)


From the 5103 Evidence Notice page when you submit your evidence waiver, you're taken back to the Status page with a success alert at the top of the page. However, that message is not immediately announced to screen reader users when it appears.

Screen reader users should be able to recognize from the breadcrumbs that are announced that they've moved to a new page. But they won't immediately know if what they did worked without having to explore the page.

Link, screenshot or steps to recreate Steps to reproduce: 1. Log in with test user Kyle Cole. 2. Turn on a screen reader (easiest for testing: VoiceOver on Mac or NVDA on Windows). 3. Tab to the checkbox and check it. 4. Tab to "Submit evidence waiver" button. 5. Press [enter]. 6. Observe that the breadcrumbs are the announced but no status update about the submission is announced.

Recommended action

If possible, send focus to the success alert.


Next Steps for the VFS Team

Acceptance Criteria

davidakennedy commented 2 weeks ago

If possible, send focus to the success alert.

Note for our engineers: We want to move focus to the heading in the alert, not the alert container.