Closed oddball-lindsay closed 1 week ago
We've had this for a long time already, no?
@holdenhinkle yes, we have pre-release technical documentation for both Widget and Find! I realize I forgot to update the ticket title though to mention Appoint a Rep (not Widget 🤦) - updated.
Feel free to add or repurpose any existing documentation! Although I was imagining we'd need another "launch materials" folder for Appoint, are you ok with that?
Yes, I figured we'd need the same:
Although I was imagining we'd need another "launch materials" folder for Appoint, are you ok with that?
actor User
participant "vets-website\n(React Frontend)" as Frontend
participant "vets-api\n(Ruby on Rails Backend)" as Backend
participant "Lighthouse API\n(Benefits Claims API)" as LighthouseAPI
database " Database\n(PostgreSQL)" as VAGovDB
User -> Frontend : Access Web App
Frontend -> Frontend : Check User Authentication Status
alt User is Logged In
Frontend -> Backend : Request User's POA Data
Backend -> Backend : Verify User Authentication
Backend -> LighthouseAPI : Fetch POA using ICN
LighthouseAPI --> Backend : Return POA Data
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_organizations' Table
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_representatives' Table
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Organization Details
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Representative Details
Backend --> Frontend : Provide POA Details
Frontend --> User : Display POA Information
else User is Not Logged In
Frontend --> User : Prompt to Log In
With SIP loop:
actor User
participant "vets-website\n(React Frontend)" as Frontend
participant "vets-api\n(Ruby on Rails Backend)" as Backend
participant "Lighthouse API\n(Benefits Claims API)" as LighthouseAPI
database " Database\n(PostgreSQL)" as VAGovDB
User -> Frontend : Access Web App
Frontend -> Frontend : Check User Authentication Status
alt User is Logged In
Frontend -> Backend : Request User's POA Data
Backend -> Backend : Verify User Authentication
Backend -> LighthouseAPI : Fetch POA using ICN
LighthouseAPI --> Backend : Return POA Data
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_organizations' Table
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_representatives' Table
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Organization Details
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Representative Details
Backend --> Frontend : Provide POA Details
Frontend --> User : Display POA Information
loop While User is Filling Out the Form
Frontend -> Backend : POST /v0/in_progress_forms/21-22\n(Current Form State)
Backend --> Frontend : Acknowledgment
else User is Not Logged In
Frontend --> User : Prompt to Log In
Add select rep and current poa confirmation:
actor User
participant "vets-website\n(React Frontend)" as Frontend
participant "vets-api\n(Ruby on Rails Backend)" as Backend
participant "Lighthouse API\n(Benefits Claims API)" as LighthouseAPI
database " Database\n(PostgreSQL)" as VAGovDB
User -> Frontend : Access Web App
Frontend -> Frontend : Check User Authentication Status
alt User is Logged In
Frontend -> Backend : Request User's POA Data
Backend -> Backend : Verify User Authentication
Backend -> LighthouseAPI : Fetch POA using ICN
LighthouseAPI --> Backend : Return POA Data
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_organizations' Table
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_representatives' Table
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Organization Details
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Representative Details
Backend --> Frontend : Provide POA Details
Frontend --> User : Display POA Information
loop While User is Filling Out the Form
Frontend -> Backend : POST /v0/in_progress_forms/21-22\n(Current Form State)
Backend --> Frontend : Acknowledgment
else User is Not Logged In
Frontend --> User : Prompt to Log In
User -> Frontend : Navigate to Accredited Representative Selection Page
Frontend -> Backend : GET /representation_management/v0/original_entities
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_organizations' and 'veteran_representatives' Tables
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Accredited Representatives Data
Backend --> Frontend : Provide Accredited Representatives List
Frontend --> User : Display Accredited Representatives List
User -> Frontend : Selects a Representative
alt User is Logged In
Frontend -> Backend : GET /representation_management/v0/power_of_attorney
Backend -> LighthouseAPI : Fetch Current POA using ICN
LighthouseAPI --> Backend : Return Current POA Data
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_organizations' and 'veteran_representatives' Tables
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Current POA Details
Backend --> Frontend : Provide Current POA Details
Frontend --> User : Display Current POA and Confirmation Prompt
User -> Frontend : Confirms Replacement of Current POA
Frontend -> Backend : Proceed with Representative Selection Process
Download PDF:
actor User
participant "vets-website\n(React Frontend)" as Frontend
participant "vets-api\n(Ruby on Rails Backend)" as Backend
database " Database\n(PostgreSQL)" as VAGovDB
User -> Frontend : Access Web App
Frontend -> Frontend : Check User Authentication Status
alt User is Logged In
Frontend -> Backend : Request User's POA Data
Backend -> Backend : Verify User Authentication
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_organizations' and 'veteran_representatives' Tables
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return POA Details
Backend --> Frontend : Provide POA Details
Frontend --> User : Display POA Information
loop While User is Filling Out the Form
Frontend -> Backend : POST /v0/in_progress_forms/21-22\n(Current Form State)
Backend --> Frontend : Acknowledgment
else User is Not Logged In
Frontend --> User : Prompt to Log In
User -> Frontend : Navigate to Accredited Representative Selection Page
Frontend -> Backend : GET /representation_management/v0/original_entities
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_organizations' and 'veteran_representatives' Tables
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Accredited Representatives Data
Backend --> Frontend : Provide Accredited Representatives List
Frontend --> User : Display Accredited Representatives List
User -> Frontend : Selects a Representative
alt User is Logged In
Frontend -> Backend : GET /representation_management/v0/power_of_attorney
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query Current POA Details
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Current POA Data
Backend --> Frontend : Provide Current POA Details
Frontend --> User : Display Current POA and Confirmation Prompt
User -> Frontend : Confirms Replacement of Current POA
Frontend -> Backend : Proceed with Representative Selection Process
User -> Frontend : Navigate to 'Review and Submit' Page
Frontend -> Frontend : Determine Representative Type
alt Representative is a VSO
Frontend -> Backend : POST /representation_management/v0/pdf_generator2122\n(Form Data)
Backend -> Backend : Generate VA Form 21-22 PDF
Backend --> Frontend : Return 21-22 PDF
else Representative is a Claims Agent or Attorney
Frontend -> Backend : POST /representation_management/v0/pdf_generator2122a\n(Form Data)
Backend -> Backend : Generate VA Form 21-22a PDF
Backend --> Frontend : Return 21-22a PDF
Frontend -> Frontend : Save PDF to Local Storage
Frontend --> User : Provide Option to Download PDF
Add next-steps email:
actor User
participant "vets-website\n(React Frontend)" as Frontend
participant "vets-api\n(Ruby on Rails Backend)" as Backend
participant "Lighthouse API\n(Benefits Claims API)" as LighthouseAPI
database " Database\n(PostgreSQL)" as VAGovDB
participant "VANotify Service" as VANotify
User -> Frontend : Access Web App
Frontend -> Frontend : Check User Authentication Status
alt User is Logged In
Frontend -> Backend : Request User's POA Data
Backend -> Backend : Verify User Authentication
Backend -> LighthouseAPI : GET /services/claims/v2/veterans/{veteranID}/power-of-attorney
LighthouseAPI --> Backend : Return POA Details
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_organizations' and 'veteran_representatives' Tables
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return POA Details
Backend --> Frontend : Provide POA Details
Frontend --> User : Display POA Information
loop While User is Filling Out the Form
Frontend -> Backend : POST /v0/in_progress_forms/21-22\n(Current Form State)
Backend --> Frontend : Acknowledgment
else User is Not Logged In
Frontend --> User : Prompt to Log In
User -> Frontend : Navigate to Accredited Representative Selection Page
Frontend -> Backend : GET /representation_management/v0/original_entities
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_organizations' and 'veteran_representatives' Tables
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Accredited Representatives Data
Backend --> Frontend : Provide Accredited Representatives List
Frontend --> User : Display Accredited Representatives List
User -> Frontend : Selects a Representative
alt User is Logged In
Frontend -> Backend : GET /representation_management/v0/power_of_attorney
Backend -> LighthouseAPI : GET /services/claims/v2/veterans/{veteranID}/power-of-attorney
LighthouseAPI --> Backend : Return Current POA Data
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_organizations' and 'veteran_representatives' Tables
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Current POA Details
Backend --> Frontend : Provide Current POA Details
Frontend --> User : Display Current POA and Confirmation Prompt
User -> Frontend : Confirms Replacement of Current POA
Frontend -> Backend : Proceed with Representative Selection Process
User -> Frontend : Navigate to 'Review and Submit' Page
Frontend -> Frontend : Determine Representative Type
alt Representative is a VSO
Frontend -> Backend : POST /representation_management/v0/pdf_generator2122\n(Form Data)
Backend -> Backend : Generate VA Form 21-22 PDF
Backend --> Frontend : Return 21-22 PDF
else Representative is a Claims Agent or Attorney
Frontend -> Backend : POST /representation_management/v0/pdf_generator2122a\n(Form Data)
Backend -> Backend : Generate VA Form 21-22a PDF
Backend --> Frontend : Return 21-22a PDF
Frontend -> Frontend : Save PDF to Local Storage
Frontend --> User : Provide Option to Download PDF
User -> Frontend : Click 'Continue' After Downloading PDF
Frontend -> Backend : POST /representation_management/v0/next_steps_email\n(Email Data)
Backend -> Backend : Validate Email Data
alt Data is Valid
Backend -> VANotify : Queue 'Next Steps' Email
VANotify --> Backend : Acknowledge Email Queued
Backend --> Frontend : Respond with Success Message
Frontend -> User : Display Confirmation and Redirect to 'Next Steps' Page
else Data is Invalid
Backend --> Frontend : Respond with Error Message
Frontend -> User : Display Error Notification
Add Lighthouse's call to BGS:
actor User
participant "vets-website\n(React Frontend)" as Frontend
participant "vets-api\n(Ruby on Rails Backend)" as Backend
participant "Lighthouse API\n(Benefits Claims API)" as LighthouseAPI
participant "BGS API\n(Benefits Gateway Service)" as BGSAPI
database " Database\n(PostgreSQL)" as VAGovDB
participant "VANotify Service" as VANotify
User -> Frontend : Access Web App
Frontend -> Frontend : Check User Authentication Status
alt User is Logged In
Frontend -> Backend : Request User's POA Data
Backend -> Backend : Verify User Authentication
Backend -> LighthouseAPI : GET /services/claims/v2/veterans/{veteranID}/power-of-attorney
LighthouseAPI -> BGSAPI : Retrieve POA Information
BGSAPI --> LighthouseAPI : Return POA Details
LighthouseAPI --> Backend : Return POA Details
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_organizations' and 'veteran_representatives' Tables
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return POA Details
Backend --> Frontend : Provide POA Details
Frontend --> User : Display POA Information
loop While User is Filling Out the Form
Frontend -> Backend : POST /v0/in_progress_forms/21-22\n(Current Form State)
Backend --> Frontend : Acknowledgment
else User is Not Logged In
Frontend --> User : Prompt to Log In
User -> Frontend : Navigate to Accredited Representative Selection Page
Frontend -> Backend : GET /representation_management/v0/original_entities
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_organizations' and 'veteran_representatives' Tables
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Accredited Representatives Data
Backend --> Frontend : Provide Accredited Representatives List
Frontend --> User : Display Accredited Representatives List
User -> Frontend : Selects a Representative
alt User is Logged In
Frontend -> Backend : GET /representation_management/v0/power_of_attorney
Backend -> LighthouseAPI : GET /services/claims/v2/veterans/{veteranID}/power-of-attorney
LighthouseAPI -> BGSAPI : Retrieve POA Information
BGSAPI --> LighthouseAPI : Return Current POA Data
LighthouseAPI --> Backend : Return Current POA Data
Backend -> VAGovDB : Query 'veteran_organizations' and 'veteran_representatives' Tables
VAGovDB --> Backend : Return Current POA Details
Backend --> Frontend : Provide Current POA Details
Frontend --> User : Display Current POA and Confirmation Prompt
User -> Frontend : Confirms Replacement of Current POA
Frontend -> Backend : Proceed with Representative Selection Process
User -> Frontend : Navigate to 'Review and Submit' Page
Frontend -> Frontend : Determine Representative Type
alt Representative is a VSO
Frontend -> Backend : POST /representation_management/v0/pdf_generator2122\n(Form Data)
Backend -> Backend : Generate VA Form 21-22 PDF
Backend --> Frontend : Return 21-22 PDF
else Representative is a Claims Agent or Attorney
Frontend -> Backend : POST /representation_management/v0/pdf_generator2122a\n(Form Data)
Backend -> Backend : Generate VA Form 21-22a PDF
Backend --> Frontend : Return 21-22a PDF
Frontend -> Frontend : Save PDF to Local Storage
Frontend --> User : Provide Option to Download PDF
User -> Frontend : Click 'Continue' After Downloading PDF
Frontend -> Backend : POST /representation_management/v0/next_steps_email\n(Email Data)
Backend -> Backend : Validate Email Data
alt Data is Valid
Backend -> VANotify : Queue 'Next Steps' Email
VANotify --> Backend : Acknowledge Email Queued
Backend --> Frontend : Respond with Success Message
Frontend -> User : Display Confirmation and Redirect to 'Next Steps' Page
else Data is Invalid
Backend --> Frontend : Respond with Error Message
Frontend -> User : Display Error Notification
For the Privacy, Security, Infrastructure Readiness Review we'll need to provide a link to our Data Flow file.
For reference, here is our Data Flow for Find a Representative if you'd like to use a similar structure.
Acceptance Criteria