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[a11y Support] MHV Cartography - Homepage Team: Making Health Contacts Editable in Profile #92319

Open rileyorr opened 1 week ago

rileyorr commented 1 week ago

[!NOTE] Current Phase: The team is currently in the ideation phase designing how Veterans might edit and remove Profile health contacts and is looking for accessibility feedback as they explore different ideas.

Issue Description

The MHV homepage team (Cartography) has existing functionality on's Profile page that displays read-only content containing the Veteran's primary and secondary (if applicable) emergency contacts as well as primary and secondary (if applicable) next of kin contacts.

Research has found that Veterans expect to be able to edit and remove emergency contacts and next of kin contacts from within their Profile rather than needing to contact a phone number to do so.

Supporting Artifacts

### a11y Tasks
- [ ] Collaborate with Jonathan both asynchronously and synchronously as needed to provide feedback and recommendations as designs are being fleshed out
- [ ] Document recommendations and feedback in this ticket so it can be referenced in the future as needed
- [ ] **Coverage:** Jamie to assist while Riley is OOO week of 9/9/2024 with any questions Jonathan may have. Ref. comments in this ticket and slack channel [#mhv-on-vagov-cartography-team](
### Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] Feedback on final design(s) are provided 
## Ticket Updates (CAIA Internal)
- [ ] _Connect to an `Epic` or `Intake` (what body of work is this a part of?)_
- [x] _Label with `Originator/Team` (product team or stakeholder requesting support)_
- [x] _Label date in the `Open Date` field_
- [x] _Label with `Estimate` (level of effort expected for this ticket)_
- [x] _Add `Assignee(s)` name(s) to ticket_ (include Naomi)
- [x] _Add `Assignee(s) name(s) to each task` they will complete via handle tag (if known)_
- [x] _Select a `Priority Level`_
- [x] _Update date in `Last Checked` field_
- [ ] _Label with `Actual` (level of effort it took to complete this ticket)_
- [ ] _Update date in_ `Closed Date`
rileyorr commented 1 week ago

Here's some notes from my meeting with Jonathan yesterday about this work:

Next steps: I am waiting for followup from Jonathan to continue collaboration on the designs.

sara-amanda commented 4 days ago

@coforma-jamie adding you to this ticket for the week of 9/9/2024, based on Riley's coverage doc. See task list for additional information and comment in this ticket. We appreciate it!