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Review page error message content review (CAIA) #92799

Open amponce opened 2 months ago

amponce commented 2 months ago


Parent ticket: #90457
Related PR: 31775 - Error Message Pattern

This task involves working with the design team to refine error messaging content and creating a CAIA ticket to review and approve error override messages.

The error messages listed below have been implemented in the referenced PR and now require design team approval and a formal review through a CAIA ticket.

Error Messages for Review:

export const errorMessages = {
  'questions.isMarried': 'Please select whether you are married (select yes or no)',
  'questions.hasDependents': 'Please enter a valid number for dependents',
  'questions.hasVehicle': 'Please select whether you own a vehicle (select yes or no)',
  'questions.hasRealEstate': 'Please select whether you own real estate (select yes or no)',
  'questions.hasRecreationalVehicle': 'Please select whether you have a recreational vehicle (select yes or no)',
  'questions.hasBeenAdjudicatedBankrupt': "Please select whether you've declared bankruptcy (select yes or no)",
  'questions.vetIsEmployed': 'Please select whether the veteran is employed (select yes or no)',
  'questions.spouseIsEmployed': 'Please select whether the spouse is employed (select yes or no)',
  'questions.spouseHasBenefits': 'Please select whether the spouse has benefits (select yes or no)',
  'questions.hasCreditCardBills': 'Please select whether you have credit card bills (select yes or no)',
  'questions.hasRepayments': 'Please select whether you have repayments (select yes or no)',
  'personalData.dependents.dependentAge': 'Please enter a valid age for each dependent',
  'personalData.veteran.employmentHistory': 'Please provide valid employment history',
  'personalData.spouse.employmentHistory': 'Please provide valid employment history',
  additionalIncome: 'Please provide valid additional income for all household members',
  benefits: 'Please provide valid benefit information',
  cashOnHand: 'Please enter a valid dollar amount for Cash on hand',
  cashInBank: 'Please enter a valid dollar amount for Cash in bank',
  monetaryAssets: 'Please provide valid information for all monetary assets',
  realEstateValue: 'Please enter a valid dollar amount for your real estate value',
  recVehicleAmount: 'Please enter a valid dollar amount for your recreational vehicle',
  otherAssets: 'Please provide valid information for all other assets',
  expenseRecords: 'Please provide valid expenses for all household members',
  installmentContracts: 'Please provide valid installment contracts for all household members',
  utilityExpenses: 'Please provide valid utility expenses for all household members',
  otherExpenses: 'Please provide valid other expenses for all household members',
  monthlyHousingExpenses: 'Please enter a valid dollar amount for your monthly housing expenses',
  additionalData: 'Please provide valid bankruptcy information',
  bankruptcyHistory: 'Please provide valid bankruptcy information',
  resolutionOption: index => `Please select a resolution option for the ${numberToWords(index + 1)} selected debt`,
  resolutionComment: index => `Please enter a resolution amount for the ${numberToWords(index + 1)} selected debt`,
  resolutionWaiverCheck: index => `Please select whether you agree to the waiver for the ${numberToWords(index + 1)} selected debt`,


Acceptance Criteria:

amponce commented 2 months ago

Existing PR has been created and is ready to go after approval

josephrlee commented 2 months ago

@amponce here are my edits, mainly removing some extra words and making the tense and the voice consistent, trying to follow the VA Styleguide as much as possible:

export const errorMessages = {
  'questions.isMarried': 'Select whether you're married (select yes or no)',
  'questions.hasDependents': 'Enter a valid number for dependents',
  'questions.hasVehicle': 'Select whether you own a vehicle (select yes or no)',
  'questions.hasRealEstate': 'Select whether you own real estate (select yes or no)',
  'questions.hasRecreationalVehicle': 'Select whether you have a recreational vehicle (select yes or no)',
  'questions.hasBeenAdjudicatedBankrupt': 'Select whether you've declared for bankruptcy (select yes or no)',
  'questions.vetIsEmployed': 'Select whether you're employed (select yes or no)',
  'questions.spouseIsEmployed': 'Select whether your spouse is employed (select yes or no)',
  'questions.spouseHasBenefits': 'Select whether your spouse has benefits (select yes or no)',
  'questions.hasCreditCardBills': 'Select whether you have credit card bills (select yes or no)',
  'questions.hasRepayments': 'Select whether you have repayments (select yes or no)',
  'personalData.dependents.dependentAge': 'Enter a valid age for each dependent',
  'personalData.veteran.employmentHistory': 'Provide valid employment history',
  'personalData.spouse.employmentHistory': 'Provide valid employment history',
  additionalIncome: 'Provide valid additional income',
  benefits: 'Provide valid benefit information',
  cashOnHand: 'Enter a valid dollar amount for your cash on hand',
  cashInBank: 'Enter a valid dollar amount for your cash in bank',
  monetaryAssets: 'Provide valid information for all your monetary assets',
  realEstateValue: 'Enter a valid dollar amount for the value of your real estate assets',
  recVehicleAmount: 'Enter a valid dollar amount for your recreational vehicle(s)',
  otherAssets: 'Provide valid information for all other assets',
  expenseRecords: 'Provide valid expenses',
  installmentContracts: 'Provide valid installment contracts',
  utilityExpenses: 'Provide valid utility expenses',
  otherExpenses: 'Provide valid other expenses',
  monthlyHousingExpenses: 'Enter a valid dollar amount for your monthly housing expenses',
  additionalData: 'Provide valid bankruptcy information',
  bankruptcyHistory: 'Provide valid bankruptcy information',
  resolutionOption: index => `Select a resolution option for the ${numberToWords(index + 1)} selected debt`,
  resolutionComment: index => `Enter a resolution amount for the ${numberToWords(index + 1)} selected debt`,
  resolutionWaiverCheck: index => `Select whether you agree to the waiver for the ${numberToWords(index + 1)} selected debt`,

cc: @mgleo @charlottecesana feel free to chime in as well!

amponce commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reviewing Joe!

amponce commented 2 months ago

Updated PR with new error text, after we open the CAIA review we can revive the PR