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[a11y Support] CAIA internal - Create survey to send to teams after they collaborate with us #93056

Open rileyorr opened 2 days ago

rileyorr commented 2 days ago

[!NOTE] QUICK SUMMARY: Create a survey template to be sent out to teams after they work with the CAIA a11y folks so we can gather feedback.

Issue Description

Teams work with CAIA's a11y folks for many reasons throughout their product's lifecycle. It would be beneficial for our team to gather feedback from teams in order to uncover what works well and what we could iterate on.

Currently, a CAIA office hours feedback survey exists within Slack where folks can share their experiences. We could use this survey as inspiration.

Some early questions include:

About the Team

Supporting Artifacts

Office hours survey images:

A screenshot of the CAIA office hours survey's question 1 asking, 'How likely are you to attend CAIA office hours again?' with radio buttons ranging from 1 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely). A screenshot of the CAIA office hours survey's question 2 asking, 'How likely are you to recommend CAIA Office Hours?' with radio buttons ranging from 1 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely). A screenshot of the CAIA office hours survey's question 3 asking, 'Do you feel your questions were addressed during office hours (or will be addressed in a follow-up call)?' with radio buttons ranging from 'Strongly agree' to 'Strongly disagree' A screenshot of the CAIA office hours survey's question 4 asking, 'Were the date and time options condusive to your schedule?' with 'Yes' and 'No' radio buttons. A screenshot of the CAIA office hours survey's question 5 asking, 'Any additional feedback you would like to share?' with an input field.
### a11y Tasks
- [ ] Collaborate with the CAIA a11y team to understand more background information about the office hours survey
- [ ] Identify feedback we would be interested in getting from teams
- [ ] Create a draft of survey questions and get review from the CAIA a11y team and Martha as needed
- [ ] Put together final survey template 
### Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] Final survey template has been approved 
- [ ] The process for when surveys are sent out and by whom has been outlined and agreed upon by the team
## Ticket Updates (CAIA Internal)
- [ ] _Connect to an `Epic` or `Intake` (what body of work is this a part of?)_
- [ ] _Label with `Originator/Team` (product team or stakeholder requesting support)_
- [ ] _Label date in the `Open Date` field_
- [ ] _Label with `Estimate` (level of effort expected for this ticket)_
- [ ] _Add `Assignee(s)` name(s) to ticket_ (include Naomi)
- [ ] _Add `Assignee(s) name(s) to each task` they will complete via handle tag (if known)_
- [ ] _Select a `Priority Level`_
- [ ] _Update date in `Last Checked` field_
- [ ] _Label with `Actual` (level of effort it took to complete this ticket)_
- [ ] _Update date in_ `Closed Date`
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