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0781/0781 Description of Incident box is not displaying all of users' entry #93519

Open emilytheis opened 4 hours ago

emilytheis commented 4 hours ago

When asked to describe the incident they are reporting via an 0781 or 0781a, Veterans are allowed to input more characters in the response box than are displayed on the generated PDF in box 8e.

The text for this box is cut off on the generated PDF and not overflowed to the overflow page. Key details of a Veterans' traumatic event report are lost.

The solution should either be to or to overflow longer answers to the overflow page (preferred) or limit the characters to reflect what is allowed on the paper form

Since this bug results in a silent loss of data, it should be prioritized as a 2 on the prioritization framework.

freeheeling commented 3 hours ago

@emilytheis Do we know how many characters are allowed on the paper form? Who should make the decision on the preferred solution of the 2 options mentioned?