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Business intake form for VBA - Insurance Program Management Division #93815

Open kbelikova-oddball opened 20 hours ago

kbelikova-oddball commented 20 hours ago

Your Details

  1. Dusca Fichtel
  2. VA Insurance (ex., claims, health, etc.) ​

    Notification Details

  3. Notification type - Email (email, text/SMS, or both) ​
  4. Please describe your use case. - Users will be able to trigger an email template from LifePRO or SmartComm Draft Editor, revise the email as needed, and finalize the email in SmartComm Draft Editor. The finalized email will be released via VA Notify. (This is your chance to tell us an overview of your plans.) ​
  5. What actions can the user take based on the notification they receive? - View secure messages (ex., view secure messages, fill out a survey, schedule an appt, etc.) ​
  6. What is the desired business outcome? - Provide business users with clear and concise email template, send secure messages to recipients, and save a copy of the email to Insurance's internal document repository for record purposes. (ex., fewer skipped appointments, less call center volume, etc.) ​
  7. What system will kick off the notification? Please note the system should be inside the VA or have an ATO. - The template can be triggered from either LifePRO or SmartComm Draft Editor, but will be finalized to send from SmartComm Draft Editor. (ex., BVA hearing reminders are kicked off from Caseflow) ​
  8. What will trigger the notification? - User will select 'EMAIL' letter type from either LifePRO or the Ad Hoc letters in SmartComm Draft Editor. (ex., clicking submit, status updates for claims, appointment reminders, new services available) ​
  9. Provide sample content per notification type, if you have it. - Not yet available Please note we collaborate with all of our users on their content to ensure it meets standards. ​
  10. Has a Privacy Officer (PO) seen and approved the content? If not, do you know who your PO is? - Privacy Officer has not reviewed content as it is not yet available. (ex., PO has seen the content but it is not approved) ​
  11. Would you prefer to provide contact information for the recipients or would you rather VA Notify look this up for you by Veteran ID? If by ID, please let us know what identifier is used in your system. - VA Insurance will provide the recipient contact information. (ex., VAPROFILEID, PID, BIRLS, ICN, etc.) ​
  12. Do you currently capture communication preferences related to this notification? If so, please describe. - No (ex., opt in for claim status updates via email or text) ​
  13. What is the anticipated volume of notifications per day, week, month? - 25-50 emails per day. ​
  14. When does this notification need to be in production? - End of FYQ1
kbelikova-oddball commented 16 hours ago

Kick-off call scheduled for 10/9 at 2:30pm.