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Global | Replace react-scroll library with browser scroll #94332

Open Mottie opened 1 month ago

Mottie commented 1 month ago

Value Statement

As a developer of I want to remove an unnecessary scroll library So that scrolling works as expected

Background Context

React-scroll is a library to manage scrolling, but it hasn't been updated in the past 8 months, and it isn't being used properly on - passing a query selector or element will result in scrolling not working and a console error message that has been largely ignored.

Removing the library pros and cons:



Outcome, Success Measure, KPI(S), and Tracking Link

Acceptance Criteria


Definition of Ready

Definition of Done

comaurice commented 1 month ago

Opened a PR to replace elements, needs review.

comaurice commented 1 month ago

Let's break this down a bit further (investigate how many apps it touches).

dfong-adh commented 3 weeks ago

Robin investigating some unusual behavior with scrolling